By Stefan Skliarov | Updated לפני 13 ימים | Business Software

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JIRA Package

Jira is used for issue tracking and project management by over 25,000 customers in 122 countries around the globe.

How to get credentials:

  1. Navigate to page with choosing pricing plan.
  2. Use your login and password as credentials to call getMyPermissions


Returns all permissions in the system and whether the currently logged in user has them.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectKey String Key of project to scope returned permissions for.
projectId String Id of project to scope returned permissions for.
issueKey String Key of the issue to scope returned permissions for.
issueId String Id of the issue to scope returned permissions for.


Returns all permissions that are present in the JIRA instance - Global, Project and the global ones added by plugins.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns an application property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
key String A String containing the property key. Example “jira.home”.
permissionLevel String When fetching a list specifies the permission level of all items in the list.
keyFilter String When fetching a list allows the list to be filtered by the property’s start of key e.g.


Modify an application property via PUT.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
propertiesId String Application property identifier.
value String If present in the PUT will override the existing value.


Returns the properties that are displayed on the “General Configuration > Advanced Settings” page.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns all ApplicationRoles in the system. Will also return an ETag header containing a version hash of thecollection of ApplicationRoles.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns the ApplicationRole with passed key if it exists.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
roleKey String ApplicationRole key.


Returns the meta-data for an attachment, including the URI of the actual attached file.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
attachmentId String Attachment identifier.


Remove an attachment from an issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
attachmentId String Attachment identifier.


Returns auditing records filtered using provided parameters.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filter String Text query, each record that will be returned must contain the provided text in one of its fields.
offset Number The number of record from which search starts.
limit Number Maximum number of returned results (if is limit is <= 0 or > 1000, it will be set do default value: 1000).
from DatePicker Timestamp in past. ‘from’ must be less or equal ‘to’
to DatePicker Timestamp in past; ‘from’ must be less or equal ‘to’.

Example of ‘changedValues’ field

	"fieldName": "email",
	"changedFrom": "user@atlassian.com",
	"changedTo": "newuser@atlassian.com"

Example of ‘associatedItems’ field

	"id": "jira-software-users",
	"name": "jira-software-users",
	"typeName": "GROUP",
	"parentId": "1",
	"parentName": "JIRA Internal Directory"


Returns all system avatars of the given type.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
avatarType String System avatar type. Example project, user, issuetype.


Returns the keys of all properties for the comment identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
commentId String Comment identified.


Removes the property from the comment identified by the key or by the id. Ths user removing the property is requiredto have permissions to administer the comment.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
commentId String Comment identified.
propertyKey String Property key.


Sets the value of the specified comment’s property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
commentId String Comment identified.
propertyKey String Property key.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the comment identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
commentId String Comment identified.
propertyKey String Property key.


Create a component.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Component name.
description String Component description.
leadUserName String Component lead user name.
assigneeType Select Component assignee type. One of “PROJECT_DEFAULT”,“COMPONENT_LEAD”,“PROJECT_LEAD”,“UNASSIGNED”.
isAssigneeTypeValid Boolean Component is assignee type valid.
project String Project key.
projectId Number Project identifier.
lead String Component lead.
assignee String Component assignee.
realAssigneeType Select Real assignee type. One of “PROJECT_DEFAULT”,“COMPONENT_LEAD”,“PROJECT_LEAD”,“UNASSIGNED”
realAssignee String Component real assignee.


Modify a component.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
componentId String Component identifier.
name String Component name.
description String Component description.
leadUserName String Component lead user name.
assigneeType Select Assignee type. One of “PROJECT_DEFAULT”,“COMPONENT_LEAD”,“PROJECT_LEAD”,“UNASSIGNED”.
isAssigneeTypeValid Boolean Is assignee type valid.
project String Component project.
projectId Number Component project identifier.
lead String Component lead.
assignee String Component assignee.
realAssigneeType Select Real assignee type. One of “PROJECT_DEFAULT”,“COMPONENT_LEAD”,“PROJECT_LEAD”,“UNASSIGNED”.
realAssignee String Real assignee.


Returns a project component.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
componentId String Component identifier.


Delete a project component.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
componentId String Component identifier.
moveIssuesTo String The new component applied to issues whose ‘id’ component will be deleted. If this value is null, then the ‘id’ component is simply removed from the related isues.


Returns counts of issues related to this component.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
componentId String Component identifier.


Returns the information if the optional features in JIRA are enabled or disabled.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns the currently selected time-tracking implementation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Selects a time tracking implementation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
key String Implementation key.
name String Implementation name.
url String Implementation Url.


Disables time tracking.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Retrieve the list of available time tracking implementations.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns the configuration options for time tracking.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Sets the options for time tracking.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workingHoursPerDay Number Working hours per day.
workingDaysPerWeek Number Working days per week.
timeFormat Select Time format. One of “pretty”,“days”,“hours”.
defaultUnit Select Default unit. One of “minute”,“hour”,“day”,“week”.


Returns a full representation of the Custom Field Option that has the given id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
optionId String Option identifier.


Returns a list of all dashboards, optionally filtering them.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filter String An optional filter that is applied to the list of dashboards. Example “favourite”, “my”.
startAt Number The index of the first dashboard to return (0-based). must be 0 or a multiple ofmaxResults.
maxResults Number A hint as to the the maximum number of dashboards to return in each call.


Returns a single dashboard.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
dashboardId String Dashboard identifier.


Returns the keys of all properties for the dashboard item identified by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
dashboardId String Dashboard identifier.
itemId String Item identifier.


Removes the property from the dashboard item identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
dashboardId String Dashboard identifier.
itemId String Item identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.


Sets the value of the specified dashboard item’s property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
dashboardId String Dashboard identifier.
itemId String Item identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the dashboard item identified by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
dashboardId String Dashboard identifier.
itemId String Item identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.


Creates a custom field using a definition.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Custom field name.
description String Custom field description.
type String Custom field type.
searcherKey String Custom field searcher key.


Returns a list of all fields, both System and Custom.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Creates an option for a select list issue field, for a given field key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldKey String Field key.
value String Option value.


Returns all options defined for a select list issue field, for a given field key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldKey String Field key.
startAt Number The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0.
maxResults Number The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50.


Updates an option for a select list issue field, for a given field key and option Id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldKey String Field key.
optionId String Option identifier.
id Number Identifier.
value String Option value.
propertiesLeaderName String Options leader name.
propertiesLeaderEmail String Options leader email.
propertiesMembers String Options members.
propertiesDescription String Options description.
configScopeProjects List List options config scope projects identifier.
configAttributes List List of Strings, options config attributes.


Returns an option for a select list issue field, for a given field key and option Id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldKey String Field key.
optionId String Option identifier.


Deletes an option from a select list issue field, for a given field key and option Id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldKey String Field key.
optionId String Option identifier.


Returns the options defined for a select list issue field that are available to the currently logged-in user and can be assigned to an issue, for a given field key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldKey String Field key.
startAt Number The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0.
maxResults Number The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50.
projectId Number Only options available for this project will be returned.


Returns the options defined for a select list issue field that are available to the currently logged-in user, for a given field key. The list of options will be paginated.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldKey String Field key.
startAt Number The starting index of the returned objects. Base index: 0.
maxResults Number The maximum number of items to return per page. Default: 50.
projectId Number Only options available for this project will be returned.


Creates a new filter, and returns newly created filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String New filter name.
description String New filter description.
jql String New filter Jql string.
expand String The parameters to expand.
favourite Boolean New filter is favourite.
owner String Owner.
viewUrl String View Url.
searchUrl String Search Url.
sharePermissions List List of JSON objects, filter Permission.
sharedUsers JSON JSON Object, user Bean List Wrapper.
subscriptions JSON JSON Object, filter Subscription Bean List Wrapper.


Updates an existing filter, and returns its new value.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.
name String New filter name.
description String New filter description.
jql String New filter Jql string.
expand String The parameters to expand.
favourite Boolean New filter is favourite.
owner String Owner.
viewUrl String View Url.
searchUrl String Search Url.
sharePermissions List List of JSON objects, filter Permission.
sharedUsers JSON JSON Object, user Bean List Wrapper.
subscriptions JSON JSON Object, filter Subscription Bean List Wrapper.


Delete a filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.


Returns a filter given an id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Returns the default columns for the given filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.


Sets the default columns for the given filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.
columns List List of columns


Resets the columns for the given filter such that the filter no longer has its own column config.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.


Returns all share permissions of the given filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.


Adds a share permissions to the given filter. Adding a global permission removes all previous permissions from the filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.
type String Filter type.
groupname String Filter groupname.
projectId String Filter project identifier.
projectRoleId String Filter project role identifier.


Returns a single share permission of the given filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.
permissionId String Permission identifier.


Removes a share permissions from the given filter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
filterId String Filter identifier.
permissionId String Permission identifier.


Returns the default share scope of the logged-in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Sets the default share scope of the logged-in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
scope Select Share scope. One of “GLOBAL”,“AUTHENTICATED”,“PRIVATE”.


Returns the favourite filters of the logged-in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Returns the owned filters of the logged-in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
expand String The parameters to expand.
includeFavourites Boolean Include favourites.


Creates a group by given group parameter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Group name.


Deletes a group by given group parameter.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
groupname String The name of the group to delete.
swapGroup String Specify a different group to transfer the restrictions comments and worklogs to.


Returns a paginated list of users who are members of the specified group and its subgroups.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
groupname String A name of the group for which members will be returned.
includeInactiveUsers Boolean Inactive users will be included in the response if set to true.
startAt Number The index of the first user in group to return (0 based).
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return (max 50).


Adds given user to a group. Returns the current state of the group.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
groupname String A name of requested group.
name String User name.


Removes given user from a group.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
groupname String A name of requested group.
username String User to remove from a group.


Returns groups with substrings matching a given query.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
query String A String to match groups agains.
exclude String Exclude group.
maxResults Number Max results.
userName String User name.


Returns a list of users and groups matching query with highlighting.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
query String A string used to search username, Name or e-mail address.
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50).
showAvatar Boolean Show avatar.
fieldId String The custom field id.
projectId String The list of project ids to further restrict the search.
issueTypeId String The list of issue type ids to further restrict the search.


Creates an issue or a sub-task from a JSON representation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
update JSON JSON Object, update.
fields JSON JSON Object, new issue fields.
transition JSON JSON Object, new issue transition.
historyMetadata JSON JSON Object, new issue history metadata.
properties List Array of JSON objects, entity properties.

Example of ‘update’ field

	"worklog": [{
		"add": {
			"timeSpent": "60m",
			"started": "2011-07-05T11:05:00.000+0000"

Example of ‘fields’ field

	"project": {
		"id": "10000"
	"summary": "something's wrong",
	"issuetype": {
		"id": "10000"
	"assignee": {
		"name": "homer"
	"reporter": {
		"name": "smithers"
	"priority": {
		"id": "20000"
	"labels": ["bugfix", "blitz_test"],
	"timetracking": {
		"originalEstimate": "10",
		"remainingEstimate": "5"
	"security": {
		"id": "10000"
	"versions": [{
		"id": "10000"
	"environment": "environment",
	"description": "description",
	"duedate": "2011-03-11",
	"fixVersions": [{
		"id": "10001"
	"components": [{
		"id": "10000"
	"customfield_30000": ["10000", "10002"]


Creates issues or sub-tasks from a JSON representation. Creates many issues in one bulk operation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueUpdates List List of JSON objects, issue updates Object.

Example of ‘issueUpdates’ field

	"update": {
		"worklog": [{
			"add": {
				"timeSpent": "60m",
				"started": "2011-07-05T11:05:00.000+0000"
	"fields": {
		"project": {
			"id": "10000"
		"summary": "something's wrong",
		"issuetype": {
			"id": "10000"
		"assignee": {
			"name": "homer"
		"reporter": {
			"name": "smithers"
		"priority": {
			"id": "20000"
		"labels": ["bugfix", "blitz_test"],
		"timetracking": {
			"originalEstimate": "10",
			"remainingEstimate": "5"
		"security": {
			"id": "10000"
		"versions": [{
			"id": "10000"
		"environment": "environment",
		"description": "description",
		"duedate": "2011-03-11",
		"fixVersions": [{
			"id": "10001"
		"components": [{
			"id": "10000"
		"customfield_30000": ["10000", "10002"],
		"customfield_80000": {
			"value": "red"
		"customfield_20000": "06/Jul/11 3:25 PM",
		"customfield_40000": "this is a text field",
		"customfield_70000": ["jira-administrators", "jira-software-users"],
		"customfield_60000": "jira-software-users",
		"customfield_50000": "this is a text area. big text.",
		"customfield_10000": "09/Jun/81"
}, {
	"update": [],
	"fields": {
		"project": {
			"id": "1000"
		"summary": "something's very wrong",
		"issuetype": {
			"id": "10000"
		"assignee": {
			"name": "jerry"
		"reporter": {
			"name": "kosecki"
		"priority": {
			"id": "20000"
		"labels": ["new_release"],
		"timetracking": {
			"originalEstimate": "15",
			"remainingEstimate": "5"
		"security": {
			"id": "10000"
		"versions": [{
			"id": "10000"
		"environment": "environment",
		"description": "description",
		"duedate": "2011-04-16",
		"fixVersions": [{
			"id": "10001"
		"components": [{
			"id": "10000"
		"customfield_30000": ["10000", "10002"],
		"customfield_80000": {
			"value": "red"
		"customfield_20000": "06/Jul/11 3:25 PM",
		"customfield_40000": "this is a text field",
		"customfield_70000": ["jira-administrators", "jira-software-users"],
		"customfield_60000": "jira-software-users",
		"customfield_50000": "this is a text area. big text.",
		"customfield_10000": "09/Jun/81"


Returns a full representation of the issue for the given issue key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
fields String The list of fields to return for the issue. By default, all fields are returned.
expand String Expand.
properties String The list of properties to return for the issue.
fieldsByKeys Boolean If true then fields in issues will be referenced by keys instead of ids.
updateHistory Boolean Update history.


Delete an issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.


Edits an issue from a JSON representation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
notifyUsers Boolean Send the email with notification that the issue was updated to users that watch it.
overrideScreenSecurity Boolean Allows to update fields that are not on the screen.
overrideEditableFlag Boolean Updates the issue even if the issue is not editable due to being in a status with jira.issue.editable set to false or missing.
transition JSON JSON Object, transition properties.
fields JSON JSON Object, fields properties.
update JSON JSON Object, update properties.
historyMetadata JSON JSON Object, history metadata properties.
properties List Array of JSON objects, issue properties.


Assigns an issue to a user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
name String User name.
key String Key.
accountId String Account identifier.
emailAddress String Email address.
avatarUrls JSON JSON Object, avatar Urls.
displayName String Display name.
active Boolean Is active.
timeZone String TimeZone.
locale String Locale.
groups String Groups.
applicationRoles String Application roles.


Returns all comments for an issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
startAt Number The page offset, if not specified then defaults to 0.
maxResults Number How many results on the page should be included. Defaults to 50.
expand String Optional flags: renderedBody (provides body rendered in HTML).


Adds a new comment to an issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
expand String Optional flags: renderedBody (provides body rendered in HTML).
body String Comment body.
visibilityType Select Visibility type. One of “group”,“role”.
visibilityValue String Visibility value.


Updates an existing comment using its JSON representation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
commentId String Comment identifier.
expand String Optional flags: renderedBody (provides body rendered in HTML).
body String Comment body.
visibilityType Select Visibility type. One of “group”,“role”.
visibilityValue String Visibility value.


Deletes an existing comment.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key
commentId String Comment identifier.


Returns a single comment.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key
commentId String Comment identifier.
expand String Optional flags: renderedBody (provides body rendered in HTML).


Sends a notification (email) to the list or recipients defined in the request.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
subject String Notify subject.
textBody String Notify text body.
htmlBody String Notify Html body.
showToReporter Boolean Show to reporter.
showToAssignee Boolean Show to assignee.
showToWatchers Boolean Show to watchers.
showToVoters Boolean Show to voters.
showToUsers JSON Array of JSON objects, show to users.
showToGroups JSON Array of JSON objects, show to groups.
restrictGroups JSON Array of JSON objects, restrict groups.
restrictPermissions Array Array of JSON objects, restrict groups.

Example of ‘showToUsers’ field

	"name": "fred",
	"active": false

Example of ‘showToGroups’ field

	"name": "notification-group",
	"self": "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/group?groupname=notification-group"

Example of ‘restrictGroups’ field

	"name": "notification-group",
	"self": "http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/group?groupname=notification-group"

Example of ‘restrictPermissions’ field

	"id": "10",
	"key": "BROWSE"


A REST sub-resource representing the remote issue links on the issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key
globalId String The id of the remote issue link to be returned.


Create remote issue link from a JSON representation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
applicationType String Application type.
applicationName String Application name.
relationship String Relationship.
issueLinkUrl String Remote issue link Url.
issueLinkTitle String Remote issue link title.
issueLinkSummary String Remote issue link summary.
issueLinkIconUrl String Remote issue link icon Url.
issueLinkIconTitle String Remote issue link icon title.
issueLinkStatusResolved Boolean Remote issue link status resolved.
issueLinkStatusIconUrl String Remote issue link status icon Url.
issueLinkStatusIconTitle String Remote issue link status icon title.
issueLinkStatusIconLink String Remote issue link status icon link.


Delete the remote issue link with the given global id on the issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
globalId String The global id of the remote issue link.


Get the remote issue link with the given id on the issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key
linkId String Link identifier.


Updates a remote issue link from a JSON representation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
linkId String Link identifier.
globalId String Global identifier.
applicationType String Application type.
applicationName String Application name.
relationship String Relationship.
issueLinkUrl String Remote issue link Url.
issueLinkTitle String Remote issue link title.
issueLinkSummary String Remote issue link summary.
issueLinkIconUrl String Remote issue link icon Url.
issueLinkIconTitle String Remote issue link icon title.
issueLinkStatusResolved Boolean Remote issue link status resolved.
issueLinkStatusIconUrl String Remote issue link status icon Url.
issueLinkStatusIconTitle String Remote issue link status icon title.
issueLinkStatusIconLink String Remote issue link status icon link.


Delete the remote issue link with the given id on the issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
linkId String Link identifier.


Get a list of the transitions possible for this issue by the current user, along with fields that are required and their types.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
transitionId String Transition identifier.
skipRemoteOnlyCondition Boolean Flag to skip evaluation of {@link RemoteOnlyCondition}, can only be used by add-on users.


Perform a transition on an issue.When performing the transition you can update or set other issue fields.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
transition JSON JSON Object, issue transition.
update JSON JSON Object, issue update parameters.
fields JSON JSON Object, issue fields.
historyMetadata JSON JSON Object, issue history metadata.
properties List List of JSON objects, issue properties.


Remove your vote from an issue. (i.e. “unvote”).

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.


Cast your vote in favour of an issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.


A REST sub-resource representing the voters on the issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.


Returns the list of watchers for the issue with the given key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.


Adds a user to an issue’s watcher list.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
userName String User name.


Removes a user from an issue’s watcher list.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
username String A String containing the name of the user to remove from the watcher list.


Returns a specific worklog.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
worklogId String Worklog identifier.
expand List List of parameters to expand.


Adds a new worklog entry to an issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
adjustEstimate String Allows you to provide specific instructions to update the remaining time estimate of the issue.
newEstimate String The new value for the remaining estimate field.
reduceBy String The amount to reduce the remaining estimate by.
expand List List of parameters to expand.
comment String Worklog comment.
visibilityType Select Visibility type. One of “group”,“role”.
visibilityValue String Visibility value.
started DatePicker Started. Example “2017-02-21T01:03:28.187+0000”.
timeSpentSeconds Number Time spent in seconds.


Returns a specific worklog.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
expand List List of parameters to expand.


Updates an existing worklog entry.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
worklogId String Worklog identifier.
adjustEstimate String Allows you to provide specific instructions to update the remaining time estimate of the issue.
newEstimate String The new value for the remaining estimate field.
reduceBy String The amount to reduce the remaining estimate by.
expand List List of parameters to expand.
comment String Worklog comment.
visibilityType Select Visibility type. One of “group”,“role”.
visibilityValue String Visibility value.
started DatePicker Started. Example “2017-02-21T01:03:28.187+0000”.
timeSpentSeconds Number Time spent in seconds.


Deletes an existing worklog entry.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
worklogId String Worklog identifier.
adjustEstimate String Allows you to provide specific instructions to update the remaining time estimate of the issue.
newEstimate String The new value for the remaining estimate field.
increaseBy String The amount to increase the remaining estimate by e.g.


Returns the meta data for creating issues.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIds List List, combined with the projectKeys param, lists the projects with which to filter the results.
projectKeys List List, combined with the projectIds param, lists the projects with which to filter the results.
issuetypeIds List List, combinded with issuetypeNames, lists the issue types with which to filter the results.
issuetypeNames List List, Combinded with issuetypeIds, lists the issue types with which to filter the results. If null, all issue types are returned.


Returns suggested issues which match the auto-completion query for the user which executes this request.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
query String The query string.
currentJQL String The JQL in context of which the request is executed.
currentIssueKey String The key of the issue in context of which the request is executed.
currentProjectId String The id of the project in context of which the request is executed.
showSubTasks Boolean If set to false, subtasks will not be included in the list.
showSubTaskParent Boolean If set to false and request is executed in context of a subtask, the parent issue will not be included in the auto-completion result, even if it matches the query.


Add attachment to an issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
Attachment File Issue attachment file.


Returns the keys of all properties for the issue identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.


Removes the property from the issue identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
propertyKey String Property key.


Sets the value of the specified issue’s property. You can use this resource to store a custom data against the issue identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
propertyKey String Property key.
value String Property value.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the issue identified or the key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
propertyKey String Property key.


Returns the keys of all properties for the worklog identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
worklogId String Worklog identifier.


Removes the property from the worklog identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
worklogId String Worklog identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.


Sets the value of the specified worklog’s property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
worklogId String Worklog identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.
value String Property value.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the worklog identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueIdOrKey String Issue identifier or key.
worklogId String Worklog identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.


Creates an issue link between two issues.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
typeName String Type name.
typeId String Type identifier.
typeInward String Type inward.
typeOutward String Type outward.
inwardIssue JSON JSON Object, inward issue.
outwardIssue JSON JSON Object, outward issue.
commentAuthor JSON JSON Object, comment author.
commentBody String Comment body.
commentRenderedBody String Comment rendered body.
commentVisibilityType Select Comment visibility type. One of “group”, “role”.
commentVisibilityValue String Comment visibility value.
commentProperties List List of JSON objects, comment entity property.

Example of ‘inwardIssue’ field

	"id": "issueId",
	"key": "issueKey",
	"fields": {
		"summary": "Issue summary",
		"status": {
			"statusColor": "#009900",
			"description": "Issue status description",
			"iconUrl": "http://www.example.com/jira/images/icons/priorities/major.png",
			"name": "Name",
			"id": "Id",
			"statusCategory": {
				"id": 9,
				"key": "completed",
				"colorName": "green",
				"name": "Completed"
		"issuetype": {
			"id": "10000",
			"description": "Issue type description",
			"iconUrl": "http://www.example.com/jira/images/icons/priorities/major.png",
			"name": "Name",
			"subtask": false,
			"avatarId": 10002
		"priority": {
			"statusColor": "#009900",
			"description": "Priority description",
			"iconUrl": "http://www.example.com/jira/images/icons/priorities/major.png",
			"name": "Name",
			"id": "20000"

Example of ‘outwardIssue’ field

	"id": "issueId",
	"key": "issueKey",
	"fields": {
		"summary": "Issue summary",
		"status": {
			"statusColor": "#009900",
			"description": "Issue status description",
			"iconUrl": "http://www.example.com/jira/images/icons/priorities/major.png",
			"name": "Name",
			"id": "Id",
			"statusCategory": {
				"id": 9,
				"key": "completed",
				"colorName": "green",
				"name": "Completed"
		"issuetype": {
			"id": "10000",
			"description": "Issue type description",
			"iconUrl": "http://www.example.com/jira/images/icons/priorities/major.png",
			"name": "Name",
			"subtask": false,
			"avatarId": 10002
		"priority": {
			"statusColor": "#009900",
			"description": "Priority description",
			"iconUrl": "http://www.example.com/jira/images/icons/priorities/major.png",
			"name": "Name",
			"id": "20000"

Example of ‘commentAuthor’ field

	"name": "userName",
	"key": "userKey",
	"accountId": "99:27935d01-92a7-4687-8272-a9b8d3b2ae2e",
	"emailAddress": "fred@example.com",
	"avatarUrls": {
		"16x16": "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&ownerId=fred",
		"24x24": "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=small&ownerId=fred"
	"displayName": "userDisplayName",
	"active": true,
	"timeZone": "Australia/Sydney"


Returns an issue link with the specified id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
linkId String Link identifier.


Deletes an issue link with the specified id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
linkId String Link identifier.


Returns a list of available issue link types, if issue linking is enabled.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Create a new issue link type.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Name.
inward String Inward issues.
outward String Outward issues.


Returns for a given issue link type identifier all information about this issue link type.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueLinkTypeId String Issue link type identifier.


Delete the specified issue link type.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueLinkTypeId String Issue link type identifier.


Update the specified issue link type.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueLinkTypeId String Issue link type identifier.
name String Name.
inward String Inward issues.
outward String Outward issues.


Returns all issue security schemes that are defined.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns the issue security scheme along with that are defined.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueSecuritySchemesId String Issue security schemes identifier.


Returns a list of all issue types visible to the user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Creates an issue type.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Name.
type String Type, one of subtask, standard.
description String Description.


Returns a full representation of the issue type that has the given id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.


Deletes the specified issue type.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.
alternativeIssueTypeId String The identifier of an issue type to which issues associated with the removed issue type will be migrated.


Updates the specified issue type from a JSON representation.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.
name String Name.
description String Description.
avatarId String Avatar identifier.


Returns a list of all alternative issue types for the given issue type identifier.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.


Creates an avatar for an issue type, for a given issue type Id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.
image File Avatar image.
x Number The X coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop region. Default: 0.
y Number The Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop region. Default: 0.
size Number The length of each side of the crop region. The crop region can only be a square.


Returns the keys of all properties for the issue type identified by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.


Removes the property from the issue type identified by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.


Sets the value of the specified issue type’s property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.
value String Property value.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the issue type identified by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
issueTypeId String Issue type identifier.
propertyKey String Property key.


Returns the auto complete data required for JQL searches.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns auto complete suggestions for JQL search.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldName String The field name for which the suggestions are generated.
fieldValue String The portion of the field value that has already been provided by the user.
predicateName String The predicate for which the suggestions are generated. Suggestions are generated only for: “by”, “from” and “to”.
predicateValue String The portion of the predicate value that has already been provided by the user.


Returns preference of the currently logged in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
key String Key of the preference to be returned.


Sets preference of the currently logged in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
key String Key of the preference to be set.
value String Preference value.


Removes preference of the currently logged in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
key String Key of the preference to be removed.


Returns currently logged user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns a paginated list of notification schemes.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
startAt Number The index of the first notification scheme to return (0 based).
maxResults Number The maximum number of notification schemes to return (max 50).
expand String The parameters to expand.


Returns a full representation of the notification scheme for the given id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
notificationSchemeId String Notification scheme identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Returns a list of all permission schemes.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Create a new permission scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Permission scheme name.
permissions List List of JSON objects, permissions.
description String Permission scheme description.
expand String The parameters to expand.

Example of ‘permissions’ field

	"holder": {
		"type": "group",
		"parameter": "jira-developers"
	"permission": "ADMINISTER_PROJECTS"


Returns a permission scheme identified by the given id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
schemeId String Scheme identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Deletes a permission scheme identified by the given id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
schemeId String Scheme identifier.


Updates a permission scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
schemeId String Permission scheme identifier.
permissions List List of JSON objects, permissions.
name String Permission scheme name.
description String Permission scheme description.
expand String The parameters to expand.

Example of ‘permissions’ field

	"holder": {
		"type": "group",
		"parameter": "jira-developers"
	"permission": "ADMINISTER_PROJECTS"


Returns all permission grants of the given permission scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
schemeId String Scheme identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Creates a permission grant in a permission scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
schemeId String Scheme identifier.
holderType String Permission type.
holderParameter String Permission parameter.
permission String Permission.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Deletes a permission grant from a permission scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
schemeId String Scheme identifier.
permissionId String Permission identifier.


Returns a permission grant identified by the given id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
schemeId String Scheme identifier.
permissionId String Permission identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Returns a list of all issue priorities.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns an issue priority.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
priorityId String Priority identifier.


Returns all projects which are visible for the currently logged in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
expand String The parameters to expand.
recent Number If this parameter is set then only projects recently accessed by the current user.


Creates a new project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
key String Project key.
name String Project name.
projectTypeKey String Project type key.
projectTemplateKey String Project template key.
description String Project description.
lead String Project lead.
url String Project Url.
assigneeType Select Assignee type. One of “PROJECT_LEAD”, “UNASSIGNED”.
avatarId Number Avatar identifier.
issueSecurityScheme Number Issue security scheme.
permissionScheme Number Permission scheme.
notificationScheme Number Notification scheme.
categoryId Number Category identifier.


Updates a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
expand String The parameters to expand in returned project.
key String Project key.
name String Project name.
projectTypeKey String Project type key.
projectTemplateKey String Project template key.
description String Project description.
lead String Project lead.
url String Project Url.
assigneeType Select Assignee type. One of “PROJECT_LEAD”, “UNASSIGNED”.
avatarId Number Avatar identifier.
issueSecurityScheme Number Issue security scheme.
permissionScheme Number Permission scheme.
notificationScheme Number Notification scheme.
categoryId Number Category identifier.


Deletes a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.


Contains a full representation of a project in JSON format.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Update project avatar

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
avatarId String Project avatar identifier.
owner String Project avatar owner.
isSystemAvatar String Is system avatar.
isSelected Boolean Is selected.
isDeletable Boolean Is deletable.
selected Boolean Project avatar selected.
urls JSON JSON Object, urls.

Example of ‘urls’ field

	"16x16": "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&ownerId=fred",
	"32x32": "http://www.example.com/jira/secure/useravatar?size=medium&ownerId=fred"


Deletes avatar.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
avatarId String Avatar identifier.


Creates an avatar for a project, for a given project Id or project key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
image File Avatar image.
x Number The X coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop region. Default: 0.
y Number The Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop region. Default: 0.
size Number The length of each side of the crop region. The crop region can only be a square.


Contains a full representation of a the specified project’s components.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.


Get all issue types with valid status values for a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.


Updates the type of a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
newProjectTypeKey String New project type key.


Returns all versions for the specified project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
startAt Number The page offset, if not specified then defaults to 0.
maxResults Number How many results on the page should be included. Defaults to 50.
orderBy String Ordering of the results.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Returns the keys of all properties for the project identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.


Removes the property from the project identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
propertyKey String Property key.


Sets the value of the specified project’s property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
propertyKey String Property key.
value String Property value.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the project identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
propertyKey String Property key.


Returns all roles in the given project Id or key, with links to full details on each role.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.


Returns the details for a given project role in a project together with project role actors.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
roleId String Role identifier.


Updates a project role to include the specified actors (users or groups).

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
roleId Number Role identifier.
categorisedActors JSON JSON Object, categorised actors.

Example of ‘categorisedActors’ field

	"atlassian-user-role-actor": ["admin"],
	"atlassian-group-role-actor": ["jira-developers"]


Adds an actor (user or group) to a project role.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
roleId String Role identifier.
actors JSON Categorised actors.

Example of ‘actors’ field

	"user": ["admin"]


    "group": ["jira-developers"]


Deletes actors (users or groups) from a project role.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectIdOrKey String Project identifier or key.
roleId String Role identifier.
user String The username to remove from the project role.
group String The groupname to remove from the project role.


Returns the issue security scheme for project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectKeyOrId String Project key or identifier.


Gets a notification scheme associated with the project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectKeyOrId String Project key or identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Gets a permission scheme assigned with a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectKeyOrId String Project key or identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Assigns a permission scheme with a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectKeyOrId String Project key or identifier.
permissionSchemeId Number Permission scheme identifier.
expand String The parameters to expand.


Returns all security levels for the project that the current logged in user has access to.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectKeyOrId String Project key or identifier.


Returns all the project types defined on the JIRA instance.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns the project type with the given key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectTypeKey String Project type key.


Returns the project type with the given key, if it is accessible to the logged in user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectTypeKey String Project type key.


Returns all project categories.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Create a project category.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Project category name.
description String Project category description.


Contains a representation of a project category in JSON format.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectCategoryId String Project category identifier.


Delete a project category.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectCategoryId String Project category identifier.


Modify a project category.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectCategoryId String Project category identifier.
name String Project category name.
description String Project category description.


Validates a project key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
key String The project key.


Returns a list of all resolutions.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns a resolution.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
resolutionId String Resolution identifier.


Get all the ProjectRoles available in JIRA. Currently this list is global.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Creates a new ProjectRole to be available in JIRA.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String Project role name.
description String Project role description.


Get a specific ProjectRole available in JIRA.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
roleId String Role identifier.


Fully updates a roles.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
roleId String Project role identifier.
name String Project role name.
description String Project role description.


Deletes a role.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
roleId String Role identifier.
swap Number If given, removes a role even if it is used in scheme by replacing the role with the given one.


Gets default actors for the given role.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
roleId String Role identifier.


Adds default actors to the given role. The request data should contain a list of usernames or a list of groups to add.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
roleId String Role identifier.
user List List of users.
group List List of groups.


Removes default actor from the given role.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
roleId String Role identifier.
user String If given, removes an actor from given role.
group String If given, removes an actor from given role.


Gets available fields for screen.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.


Returns a list of all tabs for the given screen.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
projectKey String The key of the project.


Creates tab for given screen.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
name String Tab name.


Renames tab on given screen.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.
name String Tab name.


Deletes tab to give screen.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.


Gets all fields for a given tab.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.
projectKey String The key of the project.


Adds field to the given tab.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.
fieldId String Field identifier.


Removes field from given tab.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.
fieldId String Field identifier.


Moves field on the given tab.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.
fieldId String Field identifier.
after String A field to place this field after. The value should be the self link of another field.


Moves field on the given tab.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.
fieldId String Field identifier.
position Select An absolute position, one of “Earlier”, “Later”, “First”, “Last”.


Moves tab position.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
screenId String Screen identifier.
tabId String Tab identifier.
position String New screen tab position.


Adds field or custom field to the default tab.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
fieldId String Field identifier.


Performs a search using JQL.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
jql String JQL expression.
fieldsByKeys Boolean Fields by keys.
validateQuery String Validate query.
fields List List of fields.
properties List List of properties.
startAt Number Start at element.
maxResults Number Max retrieving results.


Returns a full representation of the security level that has the given identifier.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
securityLevelId String Security level identifier.


Returns general information about the current JIRA server.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
doHealthCheck Boolean Do health check.


Sets the base URL that is configured for this JIRA instance.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
value String Base URL.


Returns the default system columns for issue navigator.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Sets the default system columns for issue navigator.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
columns List List of columns.


Returns a list of all statuses.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns a full representation of the Status having the given id or name.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
idOrName String Identifier or name of status.


Returns a list of all status categories.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.


Returns a full representation of the StatusCategory having the given id or key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
idOrKey String Identifier or key of status category.


Creates an avatar for a given entity.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
type String Universal avatar type. Example project, user, issuetype.
entityId String Entity identifier.
image File Avatar image file.
x Number The X coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop region.
y Number The Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop region.
size Number The length of each side of the crop region. The crop region can only be a square.


Get avatars.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
type String Universal avatar type. Example project, user, issuetype.
owningObjectId String Universal avatar owning object identifier.


Deletes avatar.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
type String Universal avatar type. Example project, user, issuetype.
owningObjectId String Universal avatar owning object identifier.
avatarId String Avatar identifier.


Returns a user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
username String The username.
key String User key.
expand String Expand result, use “groups”, “applicationRoles”.


Returns a list of users that match the search string and can be assigned issues for all the given projects.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
projectKeys List List of the projects keys we are finding assignable users for.
username String The username.
startAt Number The index of the first user to return.
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return.


Returns a list of users that match the search string.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
project String The key of the project we are finding assignable users for.
issueKey String The issue key for the issue being edited we need to find assignable users for.
username String The username.
startAt Number The index of the first user to return.
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return.
actionDescriptorId Number Action descriptor identifier.


Returns the default columns for the given user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
username String Username.


Sets the default columns for the given user.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
columns List List of columns.


Reset the default columns for the given user to the system default.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
username String Username.


Returns a list of active users that match the search string and have all specified permissions for the project or issue.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
permissions List List of permissions for project or issue returned users must have.
projectKey String The optional project key to search for users with if no issueKey is supplied.
issueKey String The issue key for the issue for which returned users have specified permissions.
username String The username filter, list includes all users if unspecified.
startAt Number The index of the first user to return.
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return.


Returns a list of users that match the search string and/or property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
property String A query string used to search by property. Example: propertyKey.something.nested=1.
username String A query string used to search username, name or e-mail address.
includeActive Boolean If true, then active users are included in the results.
includeInactive Boolean If true, then inactive users are included in the results.
startAt Number The index of the first user to return.
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return.


Returns a list of users that match the search string and/or property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
username String A query string used to search username, name or e-mail address.
property String A query string used to search by property. Example: propertyKey.something.nested=1.
includeActive Boolean If true, then active users are included in the results.
includeInactive Boolean If true, then inactive users are included in the results.
startAt Number The index of the first user to return.
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return.


Returns a list of active users that match the search string.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
username String The username filter, no users returned if left blank.
projectKey String Project key to search for users with if no issueKey is supplied.
issueKey String The issue key for the issue being edited we need to find viewable users for.
startAt Number The index of the first user to return.
maxResults Number The maximum number of users to return.


Returns the keys of all properties for the user identified by the key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
userKey String Key of the user whose properties are to be returned.


Returns the keys of all properties for the user identified by the username.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
username String Username of the user whose properties are to be returned.


Removes the property from the user identified by the key.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
propertyKey String Property key.
userKey String Key of the user whose property is to be removed.


Removes the property from the user identified by the username.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
propertyKey String Property key.
username String Username of the user whose property is to be removed.


Sets the value of the specified user’s property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
propertyKey String Property key.
propertyValue String Property value.
userKey String Key of the user whose property is to be set.


Sets the value of the specified user’s property.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
propertyKey String Property key.
propertyValue String Property value.
username String Username of the user whose property is to be set.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the user identified by the key or by the id.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
propertyKey String Property key.
userKey String Key of the user whose property is to be returned.


Returns the value of the property with a given key from the user identified by the username.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
propertyKey String Property key.
username String Username of the user whose property is to be returned.


Create a version.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String New version name.
project String Project name.
description String New version description.
archived Boolean is archived.
released Boolean Is released.
releaseDate DatePicker Release date. Example “2017-06-07”.
projectId Number Project identifier.
userStartDate String User start date.
operations List List of JSON objects, simple Links.
remotelinks List List of JSON objects, remote Entity Links.

Example of ‘operations’ field

	"styleClass": "style_class",
	"iconClass": "icon_class",
	"label": "Operation label",
	"title": "Operation title",
	"href": "http://www.example.com/",
	"weight": "10"

Example of ‘remotelinks’ field

	"name": "string",
	"link": "http://www.example.com/"


Modify a version’s sequence within a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
after String A version to place this version after. The value should be the self link of another version.


Modify a version’s sequence within a project.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
position Select An absolute position, one of “Earlier”,“Later”,“First”,“Last”.


Returns a project version.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
expand String Expand parameters.


Modify a version.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
name String New version name.
description String New version description.
archived Boolean is archived.
released Boolean Is released.
releaseDate DatePicker Release date. Example “2010-07-06”.
overdue Boolean Is overdue.
project String Project name.
projectId Number Project identifier.
userStartDate String User start date.
userReleaseDate DatePicker User release date. Example “6/Jul/2010”.
moveUnfixedIssuesTo String Move unfixed issues to. The value should be the link.
operations List List of JSON objects, simple Links.
remotelinks List List of JSON objects, remote Entity Links.

Example of ‘operations’ field

	"styleClass": "style_class",
	"iconClass": "icon_class",
	"label": "Operation label",
	"title": "Operation title",
	"href": "http://www.example.com/",
	"weight": "10"

Example of ‘remotelinks’ field

	"name": "string",
	"link": "http://www.example.com/"


Delete a project version.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
moveFixIssuesTo String The version to set fixVersion to on issues where the deleted version is the fix version.
moveAffectedIssuesTo String The version to set affectedVersion to on issues where the deleted version is the affected version.


Merge versions.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
moveIssuesTo String Move issues to.


Returns a bean containing the number of fixed in and affected issues for the given version.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.


Returns the number of unresolved issues for the given version.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.


Returns the remote version links associated with the given version ID.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.


Create a remote version link.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
globalId String Link global identifier.
myCustomLinkProperty String Custom link property.
colors List List of colors.
notes Lit List of notes.


Update a remote version link.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
globalId String Remote link global identifier.
myCustomLinkProperty String Custom link property.
colors List List of colors.
notes List List of notes.


Delete all remote version links for a given version ID.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.


A REST sub-resource representing a remote version link.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
globalId String Remote link global identifier.


Delete a specific remote version link with the given version ID and global ID.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
versionId String Version identifier.
globalId String Remote link global identifier.


Returns the remote version links for a given global ID.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
globalId String The global ID of the remote resource that is linked to the versions.


Returns all workflows.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowName String Workflow name.


Delete a property from the passed transition on the passed workflow.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
transitionId String Transition identifier.
key String The name of the property to add.
workflowName String The name of the workflow to use.
workflowMode Select The type of workflow to use. One of “live”, “draft”.


Add a new property to a transition.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
transitionId String Transition identifier.
key String The name of the property to add.
value String Value.
workflowName String The name of the workflow to use.
workflowMode Select The type of workflow to use. One of “live”, “draft”.


Update property to a transition.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
transitionId String Transition identifier.
key String The name of the property to add.
value String The value of the property to add.
workflowName String The name of the workflow to use.
workflowMode Select The type of workflow to use. One of “live”, “draft”.


Return the property or properties associated with a transition.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
transitionId String Transition identifier.
workflowName String The name of the workflow to use.
key String The name of the property key to query.
workflowMode Select The type of workflow to use. One of “live”, “draft”.
includeReservedKeys Boolean Set this to true in order to include the non-editable keys in the response.


Create a new workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
name String New workflow scheme name.
description String New workflow scheme description.
defaultWorkflow String Default workflow name.
issueTypeMappings JSON JSON Object, issue type mappings.
originalDefaultWorkflow String Original default workflow.
originalIssueTypeMappings JSON JSON Object, original issue type mappings.
draft Boolean Draft.
lastModified String Last modified.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.
lastModifiedUser JSON JSON Object, last modified user.
issueTypes JSON JSON Object, issue types.

Example of ‘issueTypeMappings’ field

	"IsueTypeId": "WorkflowName"

Example of ‘originalIssueTypeMappings’ field

	"IssueTypeId": "WorkflowName2"

Example of ‘lastModifiedUser’ field

	"key": "fred",
	"name": "Fred",
	"displayName": "Fred F. User",
	"accountId": "99:27935d01-92a7-4687-8272-a9b8d3b2ae2e",
	"emailAddress": "fred@example.com",
	"avatarUrls": {
		"32x32": "http://example.com/jira/images/fred.png"
	"active": true,
	"timeZone": "Australia/Sydney",
	"locale": "en-AU",
	"groups": {
		"size": 331,
		"max-results": 50,
		"items": [{
			"name": "Group1"
	"applicationRoles": {
		"size": 331,
		"max-results": 50,
		"items": [{
			"name": "Role1"

Example of ‘issueTypes’ field

	"issuetype1": {
		"name": "issuetypeName",
		"description": "issuetypeDescription",
		"subtask": true,
		"avatarId": 10002,
		"iconUrl": "http://example.com/jira/images/icons/issuetypes/task.png"


Delete the passed workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.


Returns the requested workflow scheme to the caller.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
returnDraftIfExists Boolean When true indicates that a scheme’s draft.


Update the passed workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId Number Workflow scheme identifier.
name String New workflow scheme name.
description String New workflow scheme description.
defaultWorkflow String Default workflow name.
issueTypeMappings JSON JSON Object, issue type mappings.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.
originalDefaultWorkflow String Original default workflow.
originalIssueTypeMappings JSON JSON Object, original issue type mappings.
draft Boolean Draft.
lastModifiedUser JSON JSON Object, last modified user.
lastModified String Last modified.
issueTypes JSON JSON Object, issue types.

Example of ‘issueTypeMappings’ field

	"IsueTypeId": "WorkflowName"

Example of ‘originalIssueTypeMappings’ field

	"IssueTypeId": "WorkflowName2"

Example of ‘lastModifiedUser’ field

	"key": "fred",
	"name": "Fred",
	"displayName": "Fred F. User",
	"accountId": "99:27935d01-92a7-4687-8272-a9b8d3b2ae2e",
	"emailAddress": "fred@example.com",
	"avatarUrls": {
		"32x32": "http://example.com/jira/images/fred.png"
	"active": true,
	"timeZone": "Australia/Sydney",
	"locale": "en-AU",
	"groups": {
		"size": 331,
		"max-results": 50,
		"items": [{
			"name": "Group1"
	"applicationRoles": {
		"size": 331,
		"max-results": 50,
		"items": [{
			"name": "Role1"

Example of ‘issueTypes’ field

	"issuetype1": {
		"name": "issuetypeName",
		"description": "issuetypeDescription",
		"subtask": true,
		"avatarId": 10002,
		"iconUrl": "http://example.com/jira/images/icons/issuetypes/task.png"


Create a draft for the passed scheme. The draft will be a copy of the state of the parent.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.


Remove the default workflow from the passed workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean When true will create and return a draft when the workflow scheme cannot be edited.


Set the default workflow for the passed workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflow String Workflow name.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.


Return the default workflow from the passed workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
returnDraftIfExists Boolean When true indicates that a scheme’s draft.


Returns the requested draft workflow scheme to the caller.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.


Delete the passed draft workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.


Update a draft workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId Number Workflow scheme identifier.
name String Updated workflow scheme name.
description String Updated workflow scheme description.
defaultWorkflow String Default workflow name.
issueTypeMappings JSON JSON Object, issue type mappings.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.
originalDefaultWorkflow String Original default workflow.
originalIssueTypeMappings JSON JSON Object, original issue type mappings.
draft Boolean Draft.
lastModified String Last modified.
lastModifiedUser JSON JSON Object, last modified user.
issueTypes JSON JSON Object, issue types.

Example of ‘issueTypeMappings’ field

	"IsueTypeId": "WorkflowName"

Example of ‘originalIssueTypeMappings’ field

	"IssueTypeId": "WorkflowName2"

Example of ‘lastModifiedUser’ field

	"key": "fred",
	"name": "Fred",
	"displayName": "Fred F. User",
	"accountId": "99:27935d01-92a7-4687-8272-a9b8d3b2ae2e",
	"emailAddress": "fred@example.com",
	"avatarUrls": {
		"32x32": "http://example.com/jira/images/fred.png"
	"active": true,
	"timeZone": "Australia/Sydney",
	"locale": "en-AU",
	"groups": {
		"size": 331,
		"max-results": 50,
		"items": [{
			"name": "Group1"
	"applicationRoles": {
		"size": 331,
		"max-results": 50,
		"items": [{
			"name": "Role1"

Example of ‘issueTypes’ field

	"issuetype1": {
		"name": "issuetypeName",
		"description": "issuetypeDescription",
		"subtask": true,
		"avatarId": 10002,
		"iconUrl": "http://example.com/jira/images/icons/issuetypes/task.png"


Return the default workflow from the passed draft workflow scheme to the caller.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.


Remove the default workflow from the passed draft workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.


Set the default workflow for the passed draft workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflow String Workflow name.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.


Returns the issue type mapping for the passed draft workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
issueType String Issue type.


Remove the specified issue type mapping from the draft scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
issueType String Issue type.


Set the issue type mapping for the passed draft scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
issueType String Issue type.
workflow String Workflow name.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.


Returns the draft workflow mappings or requested mapping to the caller.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflowName String The workflow mapping to return.


Delete the passed workflow from the draft workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflowName String The name of the workflow to delete.


Update the draft scheme to include the passed mapping.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflowName String The name of the workflow mapping to update.
workflow String Workflow name.
issueTypes List List of issue types.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.
defaultMapping Boolean Use default mapping.

Example of ‘issueTypes’ field



Returns the issue type mapping for the passed workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
issueType String Issue type.
returnDraftIfExists Boolean When true indicates that a scheme’s draft.


Remove the specified issue type mapping from the scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
issueType String Issue type.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean When true will create and return a draft when the workflow scheme cannot be edited.


Set the issue type mapping for the passed scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
issueType String Issue type.
workflow String Workflow name.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.


Returns the workflow mappings or requested mapping to the caller for the passed scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflowName String The workflow mapping to return.
returnDraftIfExists Boolean When true indicates that a scheme’s draft.


Delete the passed workflow from the workflow scheme.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflowName String The name of the workflow to delete.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean Flag to indicate if a draft should be created if necessary to delete the workflowfrom the scheme.


Update the scheme to include the passed mapping.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
workflowSchemeId String Workflow scheme identifier.
workflowName String The name of the workflow mapping to update.
workflow String Workflow name.
issueTypes List List of issue types.
updateDraftIfNeeded Boolean If set to true, indicate that the draft should be created/updated when the actual scheme cannot be edited.
defaultMapping Boolean Default mapping.


Returns worklogs id and delete time of worklogs that was deleted since given time.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
since DatePicker A date time in unix timestamp format since when deleted worklogs will be returned.


Returns worklogs for given worklog ids. Only worklogs to which the calling user has permissions, will be included in the result.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
ids List List of identifiers.
expand List List of parameters to expand.


Returns worklogs id and update time of worklogs that was updated since given time.

Field Type Description
jiraUsername credentials Username in JIRA.
jiraPassword credentials Password in JIRA.
jiraName String Name of JIRA.
since DatePicker A date time in unix timestamp format since when updated worklogs will be returned.
expand List List of parameters to expand.
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