
By Stefan Skliarov | Updated 24 days ago | Logistics
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OnFleet Package

The Onfleet API is a RESTful web service for developers and integrations to programmatically interact with Onfleet’s data and real-time delivery management and analytics functionality.

  • Domain: OnFleet
  • Credentials: apiKey

How to get credentials:

  1. Please contact OnFleet directly for apiKey

Webhook credentials

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
Field Type Description
projectName credentials
projectKey credentials

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Check that your API key is valid.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet


Retrieve your own organization’s details.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet


Retrieve the details of an organization with which you are connected.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
organizationId String Id of the organization


Creates a new administrator in your organization. An email will be sent for this administrator to confirm and configure their account.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
name String The administrator’s complete name.
email String The administrator’s email address.
phone String The administrator’s phone number.
isReadOnly String Whether this administrator can perform write operations.


Lists administrators

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet


Updates an administrator in your organization.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
administratorId String The administrator’s id
name String The administrator’s complete name.
email String The administrator’s email address.
phone String The administrator’s phone number.
isReadOnly String Whether this administrator can perform write operations.


Deletes an administrator in your organization.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
administratorId String The administrator’s id


Creating a new worker generates a temporary password which is sent to the worker’s phone by SMS along with download details for the worker iOS and Android mobile apps.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
name String The worker’s complete name.
phone String A valid phone number as per the worker’s organization’s country.
teams List One or more team IDs of which the worker is a member.
vehicle JSON The worker’s vehicle; providing no vehicle details is equivalent to the worker being on foot.
capacity Number The maximum number of units this worker can carry, for route optimization purposes.


List all available workers

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
teams List An array of the team IDs that workers must be part of.
filter List An array of fields to return, if all are not desired. For example, name, location.
states List An array of worker states, where 0 is off-duty, 1 is idle (on-duty, no active task) and 2 is active (on-duty, active task).


List all available workers by coordinates

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
coordinates Map Longitude and latitude coma-separated
radius Number The length in meters of the radius of the spherical area in which to look for workers. Defaults to 1000 if missing. Maximum value is 10000.


Get single worker by Id

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
workerId String Id of the worker
filter List An array of fields to return, if all are not desired. For example, name, location.


Update existing worker

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
workerId String Id of the worker
name String The worker’s complete name.
teams List One or more team IDs of which the worker is a member.
vehicle JSON The worker’s vehicle; providing no vehicle details is equivalent to the worker being on foot.
capacity Number The maximum number of units this worker can carry, for route optimization purposes.


Delete single worker by Id

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
workerId String Id of the worker


A hub is a depot for a team: the location from where all deliveries start for the team’s workers, for the purposes of route optimization only; teams can have zero or one hubs. To create hubs, head over to the dashboard.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet


Teams are named entities that bring together administrators and workers belonging to the same organization. Teams have hubs from where its workers may start and end their shifts.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
name String A unique name for the team.
workers List An array of worker IDs.
managers List An array of managing administrator IDs.
hub String The ID of the team’s hub.


Update existing team

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
teamId String A unique id of the team
name String A unique name for the team.
workers List An array of worker IDs.
managers List An array of managing administrator IDs.
hub String The ID of the team’s hub.


List all available teams.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet


Get single team information

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
teamId String Single team id


Delete single team

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
teamId String Single team id


Destinations represent the location details for tasks, including exact coordinate and address information.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
addressName String A name associated with this address.
addressNumber String The number component of this address, it may also contain letters.
addressStreet String The name of the street.
addressApartment String The suite or apartment number, or any additional relevant information.
addressCity String The name of the municipality.
addressState String The name of the state, province or jurisdiction.
addressPostalCode String The postal or zip code.
addressCountry String The name of the country.
coordinates Map The longitude, latitude coma-separated. If missing, the API will geocode based on the address details provided. Note that geocoding may slightly modify the format of the address properties.


Destinations represent the location details for tasks, including exact coordinate and address information.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
unparsed String A complete address specified in a single, unparsed string where the various elements are separated by commas.


Get single destionation by Id

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
destinationId String Id of the destination


A recipient is an organization’s customer and a target for a task, that is, whom the task is being delivered to.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
name String The recipient’s complete name.
phone String A unique, valid phone number as per the recipient’s organization’s country.
notes String Notes for this recipient: these are global notes that should not be task- or destination-specific.
skipSMSNotifications Boolean Whether this recipient has requested to not receive SMS notifications. Defaults to false if not provided.
skipPhoneNumberValidation Boolean Whether to skip validation of this recipient’s phone number. An E.164-like number is still required (must start with +), however the API will not enforce any country-specific validation rules.


Update existing recipient.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
recipientId String The recipient’s id
name String The recipient’s complete name.
phone String A unique, valid phone number as per the recipient’s organization’s country.
notes String Notes for this recipient: these are global notes that should not be task- or destination-specific.
skipSMSNotifications Boolean Whether this recipient has requested to not receive SMS notifications. Defaults to false if not provided.
skipPhoneNumberValidation Boolean Whether to skip validation of this recipient’s phone number. An E.164-like number is still required (must start with +), however the API will not enforce any country-specific validation rules.


Search for recipient by phone

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
phone String A unique, valid phone number as per the recipient’s organization’s country.


Search for recipient by name

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
name String The recipient’s name.


Get single recipient

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
recipientId String The recipient’s id.


Create new task

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
merchant String The ID of the organization that will be displayed to the recipient of the task. Defaults to the creating organization. If you perform deliveries on behalf of a connected organization and want to display their name, logo, and branded notifications, provide their organization ID.
executor String The ID of the organization that will be responsible for fulfilling the task. Defaults to the creating organization. If you delegate your deliveries to a third party, provide their organization ID.
destinationId String The ID of the task’s destination
recipientsIds List An array containing zero or one IDs of the task’s recipients
completeAfter DatePicker A date Y-m-d H:m 😒 for the earliest time the task should be completed.
completeBefore DatePicker A date Y-m-d H:m 😒 for the latest time the task should be completed.
pickupTask Boolean Whether the task is a pickup task.
dependencies List One or more IDs of tasks which must be completed prior to this task.
notes String Notes for the task.
autoAssign JSON The automatic assignment options for the newly created task. You may not provide a container if using automatic assignment.
container JSON The container to which to append this task. Defaults to the creator organization container.
quantity Number The number of units to be dropped off while completing this task, for route optimization purposes.
serviceTime Number The number of minutes to be spent by the worker on arrival at this task’s destination, for route optimization purposes.


Returns a paginated collection of all tasks in your organization.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
from DatePicker The starting time of the range.
to DatePicker If missing, defaults to the current time. The ending time of the range. Tasks created or completed before this time will be included.
lastId String Used to walk the paginated response, if there is one. Tasks created after this ID will be returned.


Returns a single task by its id

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
taskId String Id of the task


Returns a single task by its short id

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
taskShortId String Short id of the task


Note that, for active tasks, only notes can be updated, while completed tasks cannot be updated in any way.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
taskId String Id of the task
notes String Task notes


Note that, for active tasks, only notes can be updated, while completed tasks cannot be updated in any way.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
taskId String Id of the task
success Boolean Whether the task’s completion was successful.
notes String Any completion notes for the task.


The property sourceTaskId can be used to keep track of the source task from which the task was cloned.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
taskId String Id of the task


Active or completed tasks cannot be deleted.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
taskId String Id of the task


You may insert one or more tasks at a given index by providing the index as the first element in the array, followed by the task IDs.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
containerType Select Type of the container to insert
entityId String Id of the container of provided type
index String To append to the end, use -1 as your index. To prepend, use 0. For example, if you want to insert two tasks at position 3 for a given worker, such that all currently assigned tasks at index >= 3 are shifted forward
tasks List Array of tasks to insert


You may also fully replace a container’s tasks by omitting the index and providing a complete list of task IDs.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
containerType Select Type of the container to insert
entityId String Id of the container of provided type
tasks List Array of tasks to insert
considerDependencies Boolean Whether to include the target task’s dependency family (parent and child tasks) in the resulting assignment operation.


Webhooks make it possible for your application to be notified of important system events, as soon as these take place within Onfleet.

You can use our service as url:

https://webhooks.rapidapi.io/api/message/OnFleet/webhookEvent/{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description above
Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
url String The URL that Onfleet should issue a request against as soon as the trigger condition is met.
trigger Number The number corresponding to the trigger condition on which the webhook should fire: http://docs.onfleet.com/docs/webhooks
threshold Number For trigger 1, the time threshold in seconds; for trigger 2, the distance threshold in meters.


Get all webhooks

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet


Delete single webhook

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from OnFleet
webhookId String Id of the webhook
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Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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