
By Stefan Skliarov | Updated 8 giorni fa | Email
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OutlookMail Package

The Outlook Mail API lets you read, create, and send messages and attachments, view and respond to event messages, and manage folders that are secured by Azure Active Directory in Office 365.

  • Domain: OutlookMail
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Outlook dev centre
  2. Register or log in
  3. Create you application to get your clientId and clientSecret

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Get access token

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client id received from Microsoft
clientSecret credentials Client secret received from Microsoft
redirectUri String Redirect uri for your application
code String Code provided by user


Get a message collection from the entire mailbox of the signed-in user (including the Deleted Items and Clutter folders).

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name, if you’re getting messages from a specific folder. Specifying AllItems would return all messages from the entire mailbox
select String Specify only those properties you need for best performance: Sender, Subject etc


Send the message supplied in the request body

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
message JSON The message to send.
savetoSentItems Boolean Indicates whether to save the message in Sent Items. Default is true.


Send a new message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
subject String The message subject.
contentType String The message contentType.
content String The message content.
toRecipients List Array of emails of recipients
savetoSentItems Boolean Indicates whether to save the message in Sent Items. Default is true.


Create a draft of a new message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
message JSON The message to create.
folderId String The folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name, if you’re getting messages from a specific folder. Specifying AllItems would return all messages from the entire mailbox


Create a draft of a new message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
subject String The message subject.
contentType String The message contentType.
content String The message content.
toRecipients List Array of emails of recipients
folderId String The folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name, if you’re getting messages from a specific folder. Specifying AllItems would return all messages from the entire mailbox


Create a draft of a new message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.


Get a message by ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.


Reply to the sender of a message by specifying a comment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
comment String A comment to include


Reply to all recipients of a message by specifying a comment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
comment String A comment to include


Create a draft of a reply message to add a comment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
comment String A comment to include


Create a draft of a reply-all message to add a comment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
comment String A comment to include


Forward a message by using the Forward method and optionally specifying a comment. The message is then saved in the Sent Items folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
comment String A comment to include. Can be an empty string.
recipients List Array of emails of recipients


Create a draft of the Forward message to add a comment or recipients in one CreateForward call. You can then update message properties and send the draft.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
comment String A comment to include. Can be an empty string.
recipients List Array of emails of recipients


Change writable properties on a draft or existing message. Only the properties that you specify are changed.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
message JSON Message properties to update


Delete a message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.


Move a message to a folder. This creates a new copy of the message in the destination folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
destinationId String The destination folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name.


Copy a message to a folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
destinationId String The destination folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name.


Change the InferenceClassification property of the specified message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id to send.
inferenceClassification Select Inference classification property of the message
userId String The user’s email address.


Create an override for a sender identified by an SMTP address. Future messages from that SMTP address will be consistently classified as specified in the override

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
classifyAs String Specifies how incoming messages from a specific sender should always be classified as.
senderEmailAddress String The email address of the sender for whom the override is created.
userId String The user’s email address.


Get the overrides that a user has set up to always classify messages from certain senders in specific ways.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
userId String The user’s email address.


Change the classifyAs field of an override as specified.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
overrideId String Id of the override
classifyAs String Specifies how incoming messages from a specific sender should always be classified as.
userId String The user’s email address.


Delete an override specified by its ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
overrideId String Id of the override
userId String The user’s email address.


Get the settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. Examples of settings include the user’s preferred language and default time zone, and any automatic reply settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail


Get the automatic reply settings of the signed-in user’s mailbox.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail


Automatic replies are part of the user’s mailbox settings (represented by MailboxSettings). You can enable, configure, or disable automatic replies by updating the corresponding mailbox settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
automaticRepliesSetting JSON JSON object with new settings
    "@odata.context": "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/$metadata#Me/MailboxSettings",
    "AutomaticRepliesSetting": {
        "Status": "Scheduled",
        "ScheduledStartDateTime": {
          "DateTime": "2016-03-20T18:00:00.0000000",
          "TimeZone": "UTC"
        "ScheduledEndDateTime": {
          "DateTime": "2016-03-28T18:00:00.0000000",
          "TimeZone": "UTC"


You can get an attachment collection.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id.
select String Use $select to specify only those properties you need for best performance.


You can get single attachment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id.
attachmentId String The attachement id.
select String Use $select to specify only those properties you need for best performance.


Add a file attachment to a message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id.
name String The name of the attachment.
contentBytes File The file to attach
contentType String The MIME type of the attachment.


Add an item attachment to a message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id.
name String The name of the attachment.
item JSON The item to attach. Message or Event object - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/complex-types-for-mail-contacts-calendar#ItemAttachmentResource


Add a reference attachment to a message.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id.
name String The name of the attachment.
sourceUrl String URL to get the attachment content.
isFolder Boolean Specifies whether the attachment is a link to a folder. Must set this to true if SourceUrl is a link to a folder.
isInline Boolean true if the attachment is an inline attachment; otherwise, false.
permission Select Specifies the permissions granted for the attachment by the type of provider in providerType.
previewUrl String Applies to only a reference attachment of an image - URL to get a preview image.
providerType Select The type of provider that supports an attachment of this contentType.
thumbnailUrl String Applies to only a reference attachment of an image - URL to get a thumbnail image.
contentType String The MIME type of the attachment.


Delete the specified attachment of a message. The attachment can be a file attachment or item attachment.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
messageId String The message id.
attachmentId String The attachement id.


Get the folder collection under the root folder of the signed-in user (…/me/MailFolders), or under the specified folder.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name, if you’re getting messages from a specific folder. Specifying AllItems would return all messages from the entire mailbox


You can get a flat table of all folders in a mailbox. When you synchronize a mail folder hierarchy, request this category.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
deltaLink String The token that indicates the last time that the folder hierarchy was synchronized.


You can synchronize your local data store with the messages on the server. Message synchronization is a per-folder operation, for example, you can synchronize all of the messages in your Inbox. To synchronize the messages in a folder hierarchy you need to synchronize each folder individually.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name, if you’re getting messages from a specific folder. Specifying AllItems would return all messages from the entire mailbox
deltaToken String The token that identifies the last sync request for that folder. It is returned as part of the value for @odata.deltaLink in that previous sync response. Required for the second GET request.
skipToken String The token that indicates that there are more messages to download. Required if it is returned as part of the value for @odata.nextLink in the previous sync response.


Create a child folder by the name specified in displayName.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name, if you’re getting messages from a specific folder. Specifying AllItems would return all messages from the entire mailbox
displayName String The display name of the folder.


Change the folder name to that specified in displayName.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID
displayName String The display name of the folder.


Move a folder and its contents to another folder

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID
destinationId String The destination folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name.


Copy a folder and its contents to another folder

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID
destinationId String The destination folder ID, or the Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, or DeletedItems well-known folder name.


Delete a folder and its contents

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Outlook Mail
folderId String The folder ID
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Stefan Skliarov
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