Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper

By Social Api | Updated 2 months ago | Social

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Why does a CDN strip the file extension of an image

Rapid account: Devimpacto 12
2 years ago

It saves a file but is “corrupted” (or so says Image Viewer) yet it was saved from a valid image rendered on my browser.

Is the CDN messing with the file extension of the picture on purpose as a way to combat saving? How is it that my browser can render it despite it being served by such a URL (with no file extension)?

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 2 years ago

CDN url will work until Instagram url epxire, And this CDN url has only client side browser cache

Please email or send me personal message if you have any confusion, because i am not getting notification from rapidapi

Rapid account: Amit E U H Cgvl 8
amit-eU_hCgvl8 Commented 2 years ago

Dear API Creator,

Just subscribed here, and I really hope to work with your API for long term 😃

I also have a question regards the CDN:
For how long images stay live on the CDN until instagram refreshing the links?

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 2 years ago

Hi Devimpacto

Actually CDN image URLs main purpose is to bypass instagram cross origin policy, So other can directly render images in their domain. If your purpose to download media thensimply pass crossEnabled=false

if you want extension then you can get from media response type as well

For security reason i have encrypted original url, so other can’t directly use our cdn domain to render images

please feel free email me if you need additional help


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