Image Quality Inspection


5.4 / 10



Service Level


Health Check



Image Quality Inspection API Response Documentation


The Image Quality Inspection API provides a detailed analysis of the integrity and quality of an image. This document outlines the structure of the API response and explains the meaning of each component.

Response Structure

The API response is a JSON object with the following properties:

  • code: A numeric value indicating the status of the request. Possible values are:
    200: The request was successful.
    400: The request failed due to an error.

  • status: A string value indicating the overall status of the image quality inspection. Possible values are:
    SUCCESS: The image was successfully inspected and no issues were found.
    FAILED: The image quality inspection failed, possibly due to an error or the image could not be processed.

  • message: Describe the cause of the error.

  • date: A string in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS PM indicating the date and time when the image was processed.

  • result: An object containing detailed information about the image properties and any detected issues.

Image Property

The result object has the following properties:

  • detect_risk: An object that indicates the types of risks detected in the image, if any. It contains a list of risk types and their corresponding details. Possible risk types are:
  • un_integrity: The image has been tampered with or is not intact.
  • light_spot: There are bright spots or overexposed areas in the image.
  • blurry: The image is blurry or lacks sharpness.
  • photocopy: The image appears to be a photocopy or scan of a document.
  • screen_remark: The image contains screen capture or watermark.

The risk_details property is an object where each key corresponds to a risk type, and the value is a boolean indicating the presence of that risk (True for present, False for absent).

  • crop_property: An object that provides information about the cropped area of the image, if applicable. It contains:
  • crop_image: A base64-encoded string representing the cropped image.
  • position: An object with properties bottom, left, right, and top indicating the coordinates of the cropped area.

Example Response

Hereโ€™s an example of a successful response:

  "code": "200",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "date": "02/06/2024 03:33:56 PM",
  "result": {
    "image_property": [
        "detect_risk": {
          "risk_type": [
          "risk_details": {
            "un_integrity": {
              "key": "True"
            "blurry": {
              "key": "False"
            "screen_remark": {
              "key": "True"
            "light_spot": {
              "key": "False"
            "photocopy": {
              "key": "False"
        "crop_property": {
          "crop_image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAIBAQEBA...",
          "position": {
            "bottom": 249,
            "left": 17,
            "right": 626,
            "top": 641
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