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Taraf DataFanatic | Güncelleyen il y a 4 jours | Data

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response http code 502 very much

Rapid account: So 9 Asia
il y a 7 mois

Message: Request failed with status code 502

Rapid account: Data Fanatic
DataFanatic Commented il y a 7 mois

We checked the dashboard, but recently, all your requests’ response code is 200. You can also check your API request details here. When the error is invisible on the dashboard, it’s more likely to happen on the RapidAPI proxy, and the request may not be forwarded to our API service.

Also, the message you pasted here seems to be generated by a programming language or library you are using. It doesn’t look like the message generated by the RapidAPI proxy or our API.

We think the error only happens occasionally. If the problem persists, please send us the error message in the HTTP response body or a relevant screenshot (don’t forget to mask the secrets like the API key).

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