AlleTips URL shortener

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Get analytics for your shortlinks

You want to know what happened to your short links? Did anybody click on them or scan them?
These and more infos can be retrieved via the reporting endpoints. There are four of them:

  1. /linkcount/
    It’s exactly what the name says - you get a count of all your active links.

  2. /linkstats/
    If not filtered by any parameters (e.g. campaignid, startdate, enddate, inactive, link), you’ll get a full list of all your shortlinks in return - added with the number of individual clicks.
    If necessary, you can limit the number of results with the “limit” parameter - and sort the results by creation date with the “sort” parameter (“asc” or “desc”).

  3. /clicks/
    Will deliver you the total number of clicks and their distribution (link clicks or QR scans). You even get an array of clicks per day, e.g. for drawing a chart.
    If you add the “campaignid” parameter, you’ll get all the information for the specific campaign you set up previously via the /campaign/ endpoint.
    By supplying an individual link, you’ll get only this specific link’s data.
    Furthermore you can filter the results by using the “startdate” and “enddate” parameters.