Equifax Canada Credit Report Score

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A wonderful experience was all the help I got from the team.

Rapid account: Jasonherman 478
il y a 3 mois

Hi everyone, I want to sincerely appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the dedication and time they put in working my credit. I had 4 charges off accounts (3 cc and 1 installment loan). I do have 2 cards with longevity and bad payment history though lower limits ($1200 and $850) and a car loan with 7 late time payments reflecting. During my financial struggles NFC closed the 2-credit card accounts I had with them. I also had a chapter 7 BK in 2020. I did have high utilization and few late payments (over more than 10 days late). The account closure dropped my scores because the balances took my utilization to 990%. I continued making payments on time until a friend read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on Quora and informed me, I contacted them after reading some testimonies about them, they ran my credit report, analyzed my credit score and determined which action will have the greatest impact. They raised my credit score to 803 and deleted all negative items on my credit report including the chapter 7 BK, within 6 days. They made it work and I have a clean profile now. My heart is full of gratitude. You can reach them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.

Rapid account: Jamesgrove 209
jamesgrove209 Commented il y a 3 mois

I had a couple of things happen in 2021 that caused me to get extremely behind on several bills. I had about 3 credit cards end up in charge-off status. Only one of those cards was ever sent to collections and I have since paid this before the collection ever hit my credit. 2 of the cards were through Capital One. 1 of the 2 were sent to collections. The unpaid one has been referred to an attorney and kept in house, although I received documentation that the attorney was dropping the lawsuit against me. My credit was hovering at around a 620 Equifax FICO and a 618 Experian FICO. I had so many lates from these three accounts. This forum gave me some hope regarding PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me and increased my scores to 801 Equifax, 806 TransUnion and 811 Experian and deleted all the negative items on my credit profile including charge offs and collection. If you need a hacker to fix your credit issues within 6 days, PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is good to go. They get the job done as quickly as possible. Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041.

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