Jobs API

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Jobs API - Salary range - Documentation

Table of content

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Get job titles
    • 2.1 Request
      • 2.1.1 Request-Parameter Table
      • 2.1.2 Example request
    • 2.2 Response
      • 2.2.1 Response-Body Table
      • 2.2.2 Successful example response
      • 2.2.3 Failed example response
  • 3 Get salary range
    • 3.1 Request
      • 3.1 Request-Parameter Table
      • 3.2 Example request
    • 3.2 Response
      • 3.2.1 Response-Body Table
      • 3.2.2 Successful example response
      • 3.2.3 Failed example response

1 Introduction

With these endpoints you can get information on salaries for different roles all around the world, to see if you earn as much as you could.

2 Get job titles

This endpoint gives you valid job titles for your query, you should use it before calling Get salary range,
you can for instance use it as a dropdown if you create an app or website.

2.1 Request

For the request two parameters can be set, those are both required.

2.1.1 Request-Parameter Table

Key Type Allowed values Default value Description Is required Example
query String - - Find job titles from your query to use in Get salary range. Yes query=developer
countryCode String - - Find job titles for a specific country. (for example: DE, US, CH) Yes countryCode=CH

2.1.2 Example request developer&countryCode=CH

query=web developer Find valid job titles for web developer that you can use in the Get salary range endpoint as jobTitle

countryCode=CH Find job titles for a specific country, you should use the same country code in Get salary range.

2.2 Response

You will retrieve a list of valid job titles, to use in Get salary range.

2.2.1 Response-Body Table

Key Type Description Example
jobTitles Array A list of returned jobs titles. -
jobTitles.jobTitle String A job title you can use to get the salary range for. “jobTitle”: “software engineer”
jobTitles.count Number The amount of positions for the title. “count”: 1658
hasError Boolean Boolean to check for errors. false
errors Array An array of error messages. [ “Query must be set”, “countryCode must be set” ]

2.2.2 Successful example response

    "jobTitles": [
            "jobTitle": "software engineer",
            "count": 1658
            "jobTitle": "full stack developer",
            "count": 1577
            "jobTitle": "front end developer",
            "count": 1396
    "hasError": false,
    "errors": []

2.2.3 Failed example response

    "jobTitles": [],
    "hasError": true,
    "errors": [
        "Query (query) must be set.",
        "Country code (countryCode) must be set."

3 Get salary range

This endpoint will give you a salary range for a job title and a country.
You can get valid job titles with the Get job titles endpoint.

3.1 Request

For the request two parameters can be set, those are both required.

3.1.1 Request-Parameter Table

Key Type Allowed values Default value Description Is required Example
jobTitle String - - The job title you want the salary range from. use Get job titles for valid titles… Yes jobTitle=front end developer
countryCode String - - The country you want the salary range from. (for example: DE, US, CH) Yes countryCode=CH

3.1.2 Example request end developer&countryCode=CH

jobTitle=front end developer Get the salary range for front end developer, use Get job titles beforehand to get a range of valid titles.

countryCode=CH Get the salary range in the defined country, in this case, CH=Switzerland.

3.2 Response

Get a salary range for different timeframes.

3.2.1 Response-Body Table

Key Type Description Example
countryCode String Country code where the salary range is from. “countryCode”: “CH”
country String Country name of where the salary range is from. “country”: “Switzerland”
currency String Currency of the salaries. “currency”: “CHF”
lastUpdatedTimestamp Number Timestamp of when the range was last updated. “lastUpdatedTimestamp”: 1713329692000
[TIMEFRAME]Salary Object OR Null Object of the salary ranges, you have a total of five of those objects (hourlySalary, dailySalary, weeklySalary, monthlySalary, yearlySalary). -
[TIMEFRAME]Salary.median Number Median salary for the job title. “median”: 60.12896725481883
[TIMEFRAME]Salary.mean Number Mean salary for the job title. “mean”: 61.488705395676206
[TIMEFRAME]Salary.min Number Minimum salary for the job title. “min”: 45.854336981068094
[TIMEFRAME]Salary.max Number Maximum salary for the job title. “max”: 78.84734446435897
hasError Boolean Boolean to check for errors. false
errors Array An array of error messages. [ “jobTitle must be set”, “countryCode must be set” ]

3.2.2 Successful example response

    "countryCode": "CH",
    "country": "Switzerland",
    "currency": "CHF",
    "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1713329692000,
    "hourlySalary": {
        "median": 60.12896725481883,
        "mean": 61.488705395676206,
        "min": 45.854336981068094,
        "max": 78.84734446435897
    "dailySalary": {
        "median": 740.5648367685038,
        "mean": 757.3117442958612,
        "min": 564.7545788970989,
        "max": 971.1054995410452
    "weeklySalary": {
        "median": 1839.3029613115204,
        "mean": 1880.8963979406312,
        "min": 1402.6520269478895,
        "max": 2411.8849996250765
    "monthlySalary": {
        "median": 7117.464736962775,
        "mean": 7278.416915436787,
        "min": 5427.777016632606,
        "max": 9333.158699532745
    "yearlySalary": {
        "median": 100526.71940349606,
        "mean": 102800,
        "min": 76661.65373495193,
        "max": 131821.07118336027
    "hasError": false,
    "errors": []

3.2.3 Failed example response

    "countryCode": "",
    "country": "",
    "currency": "",
    "lastUpdatedTimestamp": -1,
    "hourlySalary": null,
    "dailySalary": null,
    "weeklySalary": null,
    "monthlySalary": null,
    "yearlySalary": null,
    "hasError": true,
    "errors": [
        "Job title (jobTitle) must be set.",
        "Country code (countryCode) must be set."