AIbit translator

Taraf Aibitranslator | Güncelleyen vor 20 Tagen | Translation

9.8 / 10



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How does the translation ensure that the set separators are not lost?

Rapid account: Zhiboli 597
vor einem Jahr

For example, if I translate: how are you, since the content I translate has no punctuation, I can’t tell if it is a whole sentence, so I can only put them together and give them to the translation engine to translate together, but I need the translated content to return to the original position in the original format, so I need to add separators, for example: how @@ are @@ you , I hope the translator can ignore I want the translator to ignore the separator and translate the content normally, but add the separator back after returning the translated content, but this doesn’t seem to work even if I try.

Rapid account: Zhiboli 597
zhiboli597 Commented vor einem Jahr

I can’t add \n, because \n will cause semantic changes, for example, how \n are \n you and how are you have different translation results.

Rapid account: Thinhpham 12051996
thinhpham12051996 Commented vor einem Jahr

please choose a more reasonable seperator eg "\n"
If you want to do batch translation, we will implement it in next version.

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