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Detect API on MashApe doesn't work when selecting file instead of url

Rapid account: Vollucris
9년 전

I just signed up and wanted to test the functionality using the test environment here in Mashape and when I try to use the Detect test selecting a .jpg file to upload, I get this error:
“errors”: {
“url”: “url or image field required”
The image field IS set, why is it still giving an error?
When I tried with a url, it works fine but not with a file upload. Does the picture have to be in a specific format? What am I missing?


Rapid account: Animetrics
animetrics Commented 9년 전

Glad that you were able to try it out. I issued a ticket to mashape to fix last week. Hopefully they will get to it soon. Thanks for catching it.

Rapid account: Vollucris
vollucris Commented 9년 전

Yes, curl works from the command line and it does what it should just fine. I was just having trouble testing it here in the interface. Thanks for looking into that. I see it’s still not fixed. Maybe they get around to fix it soon.


Rapid account: Animetrics
animetrics Commented 9년 전

Ok thanks, sorry for the trouble. Looks like an issue with their test endpoint for a binary form field. I will issue a ticket to mashape to fix. If you have curl available on your machine, please try the command in my previous post.

Rapid account: Vollucris
vollucris Commented 9년 전

Wait, I haven’t gotten to use my code yet. I’m still using the test environment from Mashape. I go to the Detect API portion and I have the option to Choose a file for the detect which I understand it is required if you don’t have an url for an image. Fine, so I leave the url empty and Choose a .jpg file from my computer. When I click on TEST ENDPOINT I get the error I mentioned above.

Rapid account: Animetrics
animetrics Commented 9년 전

Hi Cristi,

Can you post the code that you are using? Keep in mind that the image field requires the actual image data. Curl will read that in for you from a file using the @ syntax. So an example using curl would be:

    curl -H "X-Mashape-Key: YOUR_MASHAPE_KEY" -F "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" -F "image=@/path/to/local/file"

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