Instagram Scraper 2022

Taraf illusion | Güncelleyen il y a 4 jours | Social

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include 'profile_pic_url' in the 'ig/posts' endpoint

Rapid account: Asnkfk
il y a un an

I am currently utilizing your API - "instagram-scraper-2022."
I was wondering if it would be feasible to include the ‘profile_pic_url’ in the ‘ig/posts’ endpoint ?

Rapid account: Asnkfk
asnkfk Commented il y a un an

any update?

Rapid account: Asnkfk
asnkfk Commented il y a un an

To utilize the media endpoint effectively, an Instagram user’s ID is required. Therefore, after the initial scraping, the first step is to scrape the user’s information to obtain their ID. Subsequently, this ID can be used directly with the media endpoint during the second scrape, saving time. However, it is still necessary to retrieve the profile_pic_url as part of the media endpoint response. This is because the profile_pic_url obtained from the first user scrape has an expiration time and you dont want to call the user endpoint again to get it.

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented il y a un an

Hi, what’s the point of this?

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