
Taraf blips-and-chitz | Güncelleyen il y a 2 mois | Tools
Health Check


Tüm Eğitimlere Dön (4)

Quick start guide

Go to endpoints and click on the Subscribe to Test button.

You will be redirected to the Pricing page.
Choose a plan and click on the “Subscribe” button.
We currently support only Basic plan at $0.00 / mo.

Click on createCredentials and then on the Test Endpoint to generate privateApiKey.

Copy and save your privateApiKey. Do not share it with anyone.
You’ll use it to get access to your feedbacks.

Click on createFeedback and then on the Test Endpoint to create your first feedback.

Click on getFeedback and then fill out X-API-KEY with your privateApiKey.
Click on the Test Endpoint to get list of your feedbacks.