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Promotion price issue - Please fix it asap

Rapid account: Nadonlinestore 9 Km GPL 1 D 3 Nr L
לפני 3 חודשים

This is to follow up on my last thread, since i got no reply and it has been more than 1 week,

This issue is huge and make my flow un-useable.

Please fix it and the correct promo price as soon as possible.

Rapid account: Faexpressbd
faexpressbd Commented לפני חודשיים

Facing same issue. BD region not supporting

Rapid account: Ecommdatahub
ecommdatahub Commented לפני 3 חודשים

Hello, you may use item_detail_6 endpoint in order to obtain promotion price currently.

Rapid account: Nadonlinestore 9 Km GPL 1 D 3 Nr L
nadonlinestore9-kmGPL1d3NrL Commented לפני 3 חודשים

Please i have not recived nay message or update from you regrading this, please help~

Rapid account: Nadonlinestore 9 Km GPL 1 D 3 Nr L
nadonlinestore9-kmGPL1d3NrL Commented לפני 3 חודשים

i dont have the option to send you a PM, only create a discussion,

please email me at urgently


Rapid account: Ecommdatahub
ecommdatahub Commented לפני 3 חודשים

You can send us a private message rather than creating a discussion.

Thank you.

Rapid account: Nadonlinestore 9 Km GPL 1 D 3 Nr L
nadonlinestore9-kmGPL1d3NrL Commented לפני 3 חודשים

There is no option to send you a PM.
is there any way i can contact you?
like email or telegram
please i need to fix this asap

Rapid account: Ecommdatahub
ecommdatahub Commented לפני 3 חודשים


Send us a PM we will give you a solution.

Thank you.

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