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Character limits

Rapid account: Grantmk 3 I 5 Afngd A Q
hace 4 meses

Hi, great api by the way!

The rapiapi dash doesnt list characters used, only requests. Is there some way I can seen when I’m approaching the char limit monthly (instead of having my app users complain!)

Thanks in advance

Rapid account: Grantmk 3 I 5 Afngd A Q
grantmk-3i5afngdA_Q Commented hace 4 meses

I was referring to your paid plan which limits characters. The RapidApi dash doesnt provide any stats on characters translated, only request counts.

Rapid account: Gatzuma
gatzuma Commented hace 4 meses

Hey, thanks for the kind words!

Are you sure there no way to see the characters used?

As an API provides, we have no information about which user is doing particular request, so I’m not sure how we might help there 😦

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