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API Doesn't work

Rapid account: Dev Al
il y a 6 ans

I get this error message on every method:

“error”: “Ops, this is very embarrassing, something goes wrong, contact the support team!”

I already spent 11 of my 100 daily calls with this message…

Rapid account: Dev Al Commented il y a 6 ans

Thank you very much. It’s ok now. I recovered the missing data, let’s hope we won’t have problems tomorrow for the final. Bye.

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented il y a 6 ans

Found the problem,it was a missing configuration on the custom plan…
On Monday you should get your 50% refund, unfortunately Mashape doesn’t work on weekend, so you can get it rigth now…
you have unlimited calls too till Monday, either here, the change on your plan can happend only on Monday, so you could continue to see wrong data on your dashboad till Monday, however any charge for extra calls will be refund too.
Now you can recover alla the missing data removing the live parameter (as the Belgium and England mach is over) from your query.
Have a nice weekend and sorry for this problem again.

Rapid account: Dev Al Commented il y a 6 ans

Unfortunately still the same error on every call 😦

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented il y a 6 ans

Could you confirm you can now query the APIs without any problem?

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented il y a 6 ans

Our developer are saying something strange has happened today, now them are saying all ok again, but for this you will get a 50% refund and unlimited call till monday.

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented il y a 6 ans

You account is ok, but you request are going in timeout, can you say me if the problem is still present?
For this you’ll have a 50% refund on the plan subscription, sorry for this.

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented il y a 6 ans

Errata corrige has been requested to add 100 calls so your plan has now 200 calls per day.
Let me know for any problem.

Rapid account: Dev Al Commented il y a 6 ans

Hello. I keep getting the same message all the time. Can you check if it’s something with my account?

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented il y a 6 ans

RapidAPI won’t process our request to add calls to your plan till Monday this for saying, if you see you are charged starting from 101, don’t worry you’ll be refunded.
Sorry for the problem.
Have a nice day.

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented il y a 6 ans

We are writing to the RapidAPI to adding 50 free more calls for today and tomorrow to your plan…

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