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Multiple currencies prices

Rapid account: Ivan G 49 Yddck 0
8 месяцев назад

Since now endpoints “listingPricesFull” and “listingPrices” wille return two addtional values:
price_eur (prices in EUR)
prices_usd (prices in USD)
The already existing “price” field gives out the price in the listing native currency (that can be retrieved in the property details).

At the moment this applies to current and future months. The applied rate is the one that was the actual rate on the day the price was updated (this date is in the details property). The price could in rarely cases be slightly different from the converted value showed on the OTA due airbnb’s dynamic conversion and rounding. shortly this feature will also be available for past months.

If those fields gives you a null value it means that the EUR or USD prices for this property has never been calculated before. If the value is 0 it means that for some reason there was a problem converting the property price. If this happens (it should not) feel free to contact us to investigate.

Rapid account: Officearo
officearo Commented 6 месяцев назад

Hello Ivan,
“The already existing “price” field gives out the price in the listing native currency (that can be retrieved in the property details).” - in the “Listing Details” endpoint there is no native currency information?

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