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Filters on language and time

Rapid account: Revarosolutions
לפני 10 חודשים

Is there a way to filter the news over a time period like last 4 hours…etc?

Also, how to restrict language as English for category new api call?

Also, what are the other categories available than business?

Rapid account: Mbzkrm
mbzkrm Commented לפני 10 חודשים

Thers is no filter for timeperiod, however the data detched is always the latest.

Possible category options: business , entertainment , general , health , science , sports , technology
default category : buisness

countries : Two letter combination representation of country: ae ar at au be bg br ca ch cn co cu cz de eg fr gb gr hk hu id ie il in it jp kr lt lv ma mx my ng nl no nz ph pl pt ro rs ru sa se sg si sk th tr tw ua us ve za

To limit response language to english your post body should look like this
“country”: “us”, // to choose country
“lang”: “en” // to choose english

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