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Taraf Movie of the Night | Güncelleyen 2日前 | Movies

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Hi! i want to get all top imdbRating movies, how can i do it? thanks!

Rapid account: Cevatbarisyilmaz
cevatbarisyilmaz Commented 2年前

No, you cannot get all of them in one call. Yes, when you send a request to one of the /search endpoints, the output includes how many pages are there in total.

Rapid account: Yryr 124 Ke KRQ Zk Ql
yryr124-keKRQZkQl Commented 2年前

thank you!
i have another question,
is there a way to get all of the movies available in a service in one call?
if not, is there a way to see how many pages there are for each service?

Rapid account: Cevatbarisyilmaz
cevatbarisyilmaz Commented 2年前

Hey, if you mean to get IMDb Top 250 Movies ( , there’s no direct support for that. You need to get IMDb ids of those some other way, then you can query one of the /get endpoints to get streaming availability of each one.

If you mean just getting the top rated movies of a specific service, you can use /search/ultra endpoint and order the results by imdb_rating. i.e. if you do that for Netflix US, you can get the all movies there ordered by their IMDb ratings.

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