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Price unit for flights

Rapid account: Dav Mrc
15 giorni fa

I struggle to understand the price unit for API flights/search-return

The docstring says

the min and max price separated by a comma Ex:264432,121846 Get the minimum and maximum price at the response of this endpoint(data -> resultSetMetaData->priceRange->min,max)

what unit of price is that? The default response says “Dollars” but I harshly believe it is the case.
Taking that example, in my understanding, would be 264,432$ (264k dollars) - 121,846$ (121k dollars) … for an economy flight?

Rapid account: Ntd 119
ntd119 Commented 15 giorni fa

I struggle to understand the price unit for API flights/search-return

The docstring says

the min and max price separated by a comma Ex:264432,121846 Get the minimum and maximum price at the response of this endpoint(data -> resultSetMetaData->priceRange->min,max)

what unit of price is that? The default response says “Dollars” but I harshly believe it is the case.
Taking that example, in my understanding, would be 264,432$ (264k dollars) - 121,846$ (121k dollars) … for an economy flight?


The unit of the price is USD.

When you input priceRange=264432,121846, it means the minimum price is 264,432 USD, and the maximum price is 121,846 USD.

Please enter the minimum and maximum prices within the range data->resultSetMetaData->priceRange->min,max.


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