Unit Measurement Conversion

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How to use Unit Measurement Conversion API

Step 1: Sign up for an API key

Before you can start using our API, you need to sign up for an API key. You can do this by visiting our website at https://rapidapi.com/rachellau/api/unit-measurement-conversion and subscribing to the API. Once you have subscribed, you will be given an API key that you can use to authenticate your requests.

Step 2: Understanding the endpoints

Our API has two endpoints: /list and /convert. The /list endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all the available units for each measurement category (weight, length, area, volume, speed, fuel, pressure, and temperature). The /convert endpoint allows you to convert a value from one unit to another.

Step 3: Using the /list endpoint

To use the /list endpoint, send a GET request to the endpoint URL (https://unit-measurement-conversion.p.rapidapi.com/list) with the API key and host headers included in the request. This will return a JSON object containing all the available units for each measurement category, along with their abbreviations (if available).

Step 4: Using the /convert endpoint

To use the /convert endpoint, send a GET request to the endpoint URL (https://unit-measurement-conversion.p.rapidapi.com/convert) with the following parameters in the request body as JSON data:

type: The type of measurement (e.g. weight, length, area, volume, speed, fuel, pressure, temperature).
fromUnit: The unit you want to convert from.
toUnit: The unit you want to convert to.
fromValue: The value you want to convert.
You will also need to include the API key and host headers in the request.

The API will then return a JSON object containing the converted value and the abbreviation of the unit (if available). The response will have the following format:

“value”: “<converted_value>”,
“abbreviation”: “<unit_abbreviation>”
value: The converted value as a string.
abbreviation: The abbreviation of the unit (if available) as a string.
Here is some sample code in JavaScript using the Axios library to make a request to the /convert endpoint and log the response:

const axios = require(‘axios’);

const options = {
method: ‘GET’,
url: ‘https://unit-measurement-conversion.p.rapidapi.com/convert’,
params: {
type: ‘weight’,
fromUnit: ‘pound’,
toUnit: ‘kilogram’,
fromValue: ‘200’
headers: {
‘X-RapidAPI-Key’: ‘b03c3da6a6msh42c24597c1b5421p1078f3jsn162b153b89a9’,
‘X-RapidAPI-Host’: ‘unit-measurement-conversion.p.rapidapi.com

try {
const response = await axios.request(options);
} catch (error) {

This code sends a request to the /convert endpoint to convert 200 kilograms to pounds using your API key. The response from the API is then logged to the console as a string showing the converted value and its abbreviation.

That’s it! You now know how to use our measurement unit conversion API, including how to handle the response. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team at info@paretoltd.com.