CPU Data

Taraf Ian Karanja | Güncelleyen vor 17 Tagen | Database

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CPU Data

CPU Data is an API that provides comprehensive and exhaustive data on existing CPUs. This service should be incredibly helpful to anyone that
requires large datasets on CPUs for varied purposes such as making comparisons or analysing trends.

What you will get:

The API provides the following data points for each CPU;

  • Name.
  • Price.
  • CPUMark (benchmarking score).
  • Socket.
  • Platform (devices the CPU was made for e.g Desktop, Server, Mobile).
  • Clock Speed.
  • Turbo Speed.
  • Cores.
  • Threads.
  • TDP (Thermal Design Power).
  • Release Date.

Note: Some fields may be missing depending on the CPU esp. for older ones or unknown brands.


The API provides the following endpoints.

cpus/ -> This endpoint returns a list of all the CPUs in the database.

cpus/{id} -> This endpoint fetches the CPU with the specified id from the database. E.g.

  • cpus/1
  • cpus/1002

cpus/ordered/{order_field} -> This endpoint fetches all the CPUs and orders them by the specified order_field.
Reverse ordering can be done by adding a - at the start of the order_field e.g name orders A-Z while -name orders Z-A. E.g.

  • cpus/ordered/name
  • cpus/ordered/-release

cpus/search/?{query parameters} -> This endpoint fetches all CPUs that match the specified query parameters. E.g.

  • cpus/search/?name=amd
  • cpus/search/?name=intel&release=2018&cores=8

The accepted parameters for order_field and query_parameter are:
name, price, cpumark, platform, socket, clockspeed, turbospeed, cores, threads, tdp, release.


If you encounter issues with the use of this API or have suggestions for improvements, you can contact me through email at

Takipçi Sayısı: 27
Kullanım şartları
API Üreticisi:
Rapid account: Ian Karanja
Ian Karanja
API'yi Değerlendirme İçin Giriş Yapın
Değerlendirme: 1.3 - Oy Sayısı: 3