
Taraf Denis Raygorodskij | Güncelleyen 17日前 | Tools
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Wunderlist Package

Wunderlist is the easiest way to get stuff done. Whether you’re planning a holiday, sharing a shopping list with a partner or managing multiple work projects, Wunderlist is here to help you tick off all your personal and professional to-dos.

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on wunderlist.com
  2. Create WunderList application in console
  3. After creation app, you will receive clienId and clientSecret

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Exchange code for an access token.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
client_secret credentials The client secret you received from Wunderlist when you registered.
code String The code you received as auth response, see more here.


Get all Folders created by the the current User.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.


Get a specific Folder.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
folderId String Single folder id which will be returned.


Create a Folder.The created Folder is automatically owned by the User who creates it. Only the owner of a Folder can actually see/request it.Attention: The listIds attribute keeps track of the Lists that are part of that Folder. The listIds attribute doesn’t reflect the order. If you add Lists to your folder you still need to sort the Lists via the listPositions feature to support clients without the Folder feature.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
title String Folder title (maximum length is 255 characters).
listIds String list of ids.


Update a Folder by overwriting properties.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.
folderId String Single folder id.
title String Folder title (maximum length is 255 characters).
listIds String list of ids.


Delete a Folder permanently.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.
folderId String Single folder id which will be deleted.


Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. When the title of a task is changed, that task’s revision is updated—as well as the revisions of all of the parent items of that task, including list and root entities.See more here.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.


Get all Lists a user has permission to.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.


Get a specific List.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.


Create a list.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
title String Folder title (maximum length is 255 characters).


Update a list by overwriting properties.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.
title String Folder title (maximum length is 255 characters).
listId Number Folder title (maximum length is 255 characters).


Delete a list permanently.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.
listId Number Folder title (maximum length is 255 characters).


Get Memberships for a List or the current User.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.


Add a Member to a List by id.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.
userId Number Single user id.
muted Select Set true for user muted.


Add a Member to a List by Email.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.
email String Single user email.
muted Select Set true for user muted.


Mark a Member as accepted.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.
member_id Number Single member id.
muted Select Set true for user muted.


Reject an invite to a List.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.
member_id Number Single member id.


Get the Notes for a Task.A note is a large text blobs belonging to tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.


Get the Notes for a List.A note is a large text blobs belonging to tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single task id.


Get a specific note.A note is a large text blobs belonging to tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
noteId Number Single note id.


Create a note.A note is a large text blobs belonging to tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.
noteContent String Content of note.


Update a note by overwriting properties.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
noteId Number Single note id.
noteContent String Content of note.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Delete a note.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
noteId Number Single note id.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Get Positions for a user’s lists.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.


Get a specific list position.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listPositionId Number Single list position id.


Update Positions for a user’s lists.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
positionListId Number Single position list id.
listIds List Single position list id.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Get Positions for a list’s tasks.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.


Get a specific task position.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.


Update Positions for a list’s tasks.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
positionListId Number Single position list id.
listIds List Single position list id.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Get Positions for a task’s subtasks.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.


Get a specific subtask position.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
subtaskId Number Single subtask id.


Update Positions for a task’s subtasks.A list of ordered, unique integers related to a users’s lists or a list’s tasks or a task’s subtasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
subtaskId Number Single subtask id.
PositionsIds List Single position list id.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Get Reminders for a Task.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.


Get Reminders for a List.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.


Create a Reminder.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.
date DatePicker Date for task.
createdByDeviceUdid DatePicker Can be set to not schedule any reminder push notification for that device and that newly created reminder. This is mostly used by iOS, because they schedule a local reminder as well to have offline support.


Update a Reminder.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
reminderId Number Single reminder id.
date DatePicker Date for task.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Delete a Reminder.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
reminderId Number Single reminder id.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Fetch the Root for the current User.Root is the top-level entity in the sync hierarchy.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.


Get Subtasks for a Task.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.


Get Subtasks for a List.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.


Get Completed Subtasks.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.
completed Select If set true - Get Completed Subtasks.If set false - Get uncompleted Subtasks.


Get Completed Subtasks for a Task.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.
completed Select If set true - Get Completed Subtasks.If set false - Get uncompleted Subtasks.


Get a specific subtask.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
subtaskId Number Single subtask id.


Create a subtask.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.
title String Title of subtask.Maximum length is 255
completed Select If set true - Completed Subtasks.If set false - uncompleted Subtasks.


Update a subtask by overwriting properties.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
subtaskId Number Single subtask id.
title String Title of subtask.Maximum length is 255
completed Select If set true - Completed Subtasks.If set false - uncompleted Subtasks.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Delete a subtask.Subtasks are children of tasks.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
subtaskId Number Single subtask id.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Get Tasks for a List.Tasks are children of lists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.


Get Completed Tasks.Tasks are children of lists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.
completed Select If set true - Get Completed Subtasks.If set false - Get uncompleted Subtasks.


Get a specific task.Tasks are children of lists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.


Create a task.Tasks are children of lists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.
title String Task title (maximum length is 255 characters).
assigneeId Number Single assignee id.
completed Select If set true - Get Completed Subtasks.If set false - Get uncompleted Subtasks.
recurrenceType Select Must be accompanied by recurrenceCount.
recurrenceCount Number must be >= 1, must be accompanied by recurrenceType.
dueDate datePicker Task date.
starred Select


Update a task by overwriting properties.Tasks are children of lists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Task id which will be updated.
listId Number Can be given to move the Task into a different List.
title String Task title (maximum length is 255 characters).
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.
assigneeId Number Single assignee id.
completed Select If set true - Get Completed Subtasks.If set false - Get uncompleted Subtasks.
recurrenceType Select Must be accompanied by recurrenceCount.
recurrenceCount Number must be >= 1, must be accompanied by recurrenceType.
dueDate datePicker Task date.
starred Select
remove String An list of attributes to delete from the task, e.g. ‘dueDate’


Delete a task.Tasks are children of lists.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Task id which will be updated.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Get the Comments for a Task.A taskComment is a comment that belongs to a task.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Task comment id which will be read.


Get the Comments for a List.A taskComment is a comment that belongs to a task.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number List comment id which will be read.


Get a specific Comment.A taskComment is a comment that belongs to a task.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
commentId Number Single comment id which will be read.


Create a Comment.A taskComment is a comment that belongs to a task.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id which will be added comment.
text String Text for comment.


Fetch the currently logged in user.All info related to the currently signed in user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.


Fetch the users this user can access.All info related to the currently signed in user.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Restricts the list of returned users to only those who have access to a particular list.


Get all webhooks for a list.A webhook sends notifications when a list is updated.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Restricts the list of returned webhooks.


Create a Webhook.A webhook sends notifications when a list is updated.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Restricts the list of returned webhooks.
webhookUrl String Callback url for webhook.Maximum length is 255 characters.
processorType String can be ‘’.
configuration String Example. - generic.


Delete a Webhook.A webhook sends notifications when a list is updated.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
webhookId Number Webhook id which will be deleted.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


Get Files for a Task.The first resource that needs to be created to upload a file is the Upload resource. After the upload is finished you need to create a new File resource that will published via real time to all the other members of the List you are creating the File in.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
taskId Number Single task id.


Get Files for a Task.The first resource that needs to be created to upload a file is the Upload resource. After the upload is finished you need to create a new File resource that will published via real time to all the other members of the List you are creating the File in.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
listId Number Single list id.


Get a specific File.The first resource that needs to be created to upload a file is the Upload resource. After the upload is finished you need to create a new File resource that will published via real time to all the other members of the List you are creating the File in.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
fileId Number File id which will be returned.


Create a File.The first resource that needs to be created to upload a file is the Upload resource. After the upload is finished you need to create a new File resource that will published via real time to all the other members of the List you are creating the File in.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
uploadId Number Upload id which will be attached.
taskId Number Single task id.
localCreatedAt DatePicker For creating files we have introduced the :localCreatedAt from comments again. This attribute will help us later to sort the files and comments in the right order.


Destroy a File.The first resource that needs to be created to upload a file is the Upload resource. After the upload is finished you need to create a new File resource that will published via real time to all the other members of the List you are creating the File in.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
fileId Number File id which will be returned.
revision Number Every entity in the Wunderlist API has a read-only revision property. This property is an integer which is updated in response to changes to that entity or any of its children. See more here.


A file preview is an image thumbnail for a file.The preview endpoint will generate a preview image on-demand for the given file. This endpoint only works with images for now.See more here.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
fileId Number File id which will be returned.
platform Select Platform for preview.
size Select Size for preview.


The first resource that needs to be created to upload a file is the Upload resource. After the upload is finished you need to create a new File resource that will published via real time to all the other members of the List you are creating the File in.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
partNumber Number The partNumber attribute always starts with 1, never with 0. The expiresAt date represents the lifetime of the given part.
fileSize Number File size.
contentType String Content type of file.
fileName String File name.
md5sum String Md5 hash.


After call createUpload endpoints , the needed information and credentials to upload your first part to the given Amazon URL.See more here.

Field Type Description
uploadUrl String Upload url field from createUpload endpoints.
uploadFile File Upload file.
uploadDate String With the date string of the part from createUpload endpoints.
uploadAuthorization String With the authorization string of the part. from createUpload endpoints.


Fetching new parts for the chunked upload.If you need more than one part to upload the new file you need to call the following endpoint to get another one.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
uploadId Number Upload id which will be returned.
partNumber Number The partNumber attribute always starts with 1, never with 0. The expiresAt date represents the lifetime of the given part.
md5sum String Md5 hash.


Mark the upload as finished.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials The Client ID you received from Wunderlist when you registered your application.
accessToken String OAuth token for the current user.
uploadId Number Upload id which will be returned.
Takipçi Sayısı: 1
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Rapid account: Denis Raygorodskij
Denis Raygorodskij
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Değerlendirme: 5 - Oy Sayısı: 1