DeepL Translator

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Translate HTML structure from English to Spanish

Rapid account: Xenon 254
il y a un an


I am looking for a way to translate a text inside an html structure, like the one in this example: , but I have encountered two problems:

  1. there is a character limit in the result. I have obtained up to 5,395 characters from the above text.
  2. A part of the initial text is not translated from English to Spanish. About the first 1,400 characters of the above example are not translated.

I am using the free version and maybe this is the cause of my problems.

Thanks in advance.

Rapid account: Splint PRO
splintPRO Commented il y a un an

Well, give it a try. My service is a gateway. I do not cooperate with DeepL.

Rapid account: Xenon 254
xenon254 Commented il y a un an

Hi. After testing, the result is the same, as can be seen at:

So I understand that it is a drawback that cannot be solved with DeepL.

Any idea what could be the cause?
Should I contact DeepL technical support?


Rapid account: Splint PRO
splintPRO Commented il y a un an

Check the same text on the official deepl website.

Rapid account: Xenon 254
xenon254 Commented il y a un an


I performed a second test with the following text of 4,997 characters: but I got the same result. The first part of the text has not been translated, as you can see in this screenshot:

Thanks in advance.

Rapid account: Splint PRO
splintPRO Commented il y a un an

hello! in spite of your plan the maximum number of characters that you can translate for 1 request is 5000 characters. In the text that you gave from the example characters 11038. it will be automatically cut to 5000 according to my subscription plans.

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