Football Pro

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Football Pro – API Benefits

• High Quality Football Data API for professional use.
• Well thought-out Flexible API structure - Get more data with less API requests
• Build your own API response – with only the data you need
Cheaper pricing with Custom Plan options. Check or Email Us
• All documentation you need in our 5-star DOCS!

Why Sportmonks

At Sportmonks we work different compared to other data suppliers. We do not use unclear pricing where you pay too much for overage API calls. With our API calls packages you will have enough calls to build a professional Football Application and update your Livescores every second. We designed our API in such a way, you do not need to do 10 separate API requests, for data you can also get in 1 API request. You will have full flexibility in building the API Response you`ll need.

At Sportmonks you get the quality Football Data your customers deserve. You will get value for your money to be able to build a professional Football Data application. Please let us know if you have any questions by Contacting Us

Efficient API Structure

The Football Pro API is a well-thought-out API of Sportmonks due to the valuable input of 14.000+ Sportmonks Customers who have built the most fantastic Football Applications. Many Football Application Developers have helped us to design this fantastic API.
By using our ‘include’ mechanism you can build your own API Response to enrich it with the data you need. You will find the include as an optional parameter on all endpoints. For every endpoint you can add the data features you need and leave the features you don’t need. To be even faster, we have pagination in place when responses are getting too big. So just use the page parameter on the endpoints.

League Coverage

At Sportmonks you will get access to 900+ Leagues. Check them here on our Coverage page. But you don’t need 900+ Leagues and all data features? It is also possible to get a custom plan with only the Leagues and Features you need for much lower prices. For more info about other Plans check or Email Us

Full Documentation

To help you kick-start your implementation faster, we offer extensive documentation resources with a Getting Started section, In-Page API Testers, API Reference Guides, and well described Endpoints. Please visit our site to check this out:


By default, all date/time values provided by Sportmonks are in UTC. You can easily override the timezone by passing a tz optional parameter to the URL. Therefor you’ll need a valid timezone name. You can find a list of possible timezones at:

For example: Africa/Cairo, America/New_York, Asia/Bangkok, Australia/Sydney, Europe/London


Sometimes responses return more than 1000 results. With that much data, requests can become slow and hard to work with. These endpoints use pagination instead of returning all 1000 or more results. Pagination instead delivers 100 results and some meta data about the next pages. You can easily go to the next page by adding &page=2 etc. to your request.


Below you will find some more information about the available endpoints and how you can use them.

1. Fixtures

The Fixture endpoint provides information about Games in particular Leagues. There are always 2 teams involved in a Fixture. For many customers, Fixtures is the main endpoint for their app/website. Responses of the Fixture endpoint are highly customizable, because there are many Includes available to extend the response.


  • leagues - Filter based on league ids. Example: 8,9
  • markets - Filter odds based on a comma separated list of market ids. Example: 1,10
  • bookmakers - Filter odds based on a comma separated list of bookmaker ids. Example: 2,15
  • fixtures - Comma separated list of ids to filter on livescores. Example: 11867444,11867445
  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam
  • page - The number of the page you want to browse.


You can use the following includes to enrich your API response:
localTeam visitorTeam substitutions corners comments tvstations round stage referee venue odds inplayOdds flatOdds localCoach visitorCoach group trends firstAssistant secondAssistant fourthOfficial league


For full documentation on this endpoint click here.

1.1 "GET" Fixtures by ID

With this endpoint you can access the fixture by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.

1.2 "GET" Fixtures by ID List

With this endpoint you can get multiple fixtures by {IDLIST}.

("GET", "{IDLIST})


{IDLIST} - Comma separated list of Fixture ids. Max 25 per API call. eg. 1,2,3,4,5

1.3 "GET" Fixtures Currently Inplay

With this endpoint you can get all the Livescores that are in-play.

("GET", "")

1.4 "GET" Fixtures Inplay by League

With this endpoint you can get all the Livescores that are in-play per League {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - A comma separated list of Leagues. Max 25 ids can be included.

1.5 "GET" Fixtures of Today

With this endpoint you can get all the Livescores of the current day.

("GET", "")

1.6 "GET" Fixtures by Date

With this endpoint you can get the fixtures by {date}.

("GET", "{DATE}")


{DATE} - The Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

1.7 "GET" Fixtures Between 2 Dates

With this endpoint you can get the fixtures between two dates: {STARTDATE} and {ENDDATE}.



{STARTDATE} - Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
{ENDDATE} - End date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

1.8 "GET" Last Updated Fixtures

With this endpoint you can get information about the fixtures that are last updated.

("GET", "")

2 Leagues

The Leagues endpoint is for most customers the starting point. A request on this endpoint would return a response with all Leagues you have access to, based on the plan you are subscribed to. The Leagues endpoint provides you League information like its ID, Name, Country, Coverage etc.

The endpoint is often used in combination with the Season or Seasons Includes. Where the Season include returns information about the active Season only, the Seasons Include returns information about all seasons available for the specific Leagues.


country season seasons


  • page - The number of the page you want to browse.
  • cupslast - When provided via the request url the cups will be put on the end of the response.
  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here.

2.1 "GET" All Leagues

With this endpoint you can get an overview of all the leagues.

("GET", "")

2.2 "GET" League by ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of one league by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the League you want to retrieve.

2.3 "GET" League by Name (Search)

This endpoint returns an array of Leagues that meet your search criteria.

("GET", "{SEARCH}")


{SEARCH} - The name of the League you want to retrieve.

3. Seasons

Responses of the Seasons endpoint provides you with details about for example the Season ID, Name, League ID, Year and if the Season is Active Yes or No.

One of the main features of the Seasons endpoint is the ability to retrieve full Season Games, (history) Fixtures, Results or Upcoming Fixtures. This can be achieved by using the proper Includes which are listed below.


leagues stages rounds upcoming results fixtures.localTeam fixtures.visitorTeam


  • page - The number of the page you want to browse.
  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here.

3.1 "GET" All Seasons

With this endpoint you can get an overview of all the seasons.

("GET", "")

3.2 "GET" Season by ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of one Season by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the Season you want to retrieve.

3.3 "GET" Season Schedule

With this endpoint you can get an overview of one Season Schedule by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the Season you want to retrieve.

4. Rounds

Leagues can be split up in Rounds representing a week a game is played in. With this endpoint we give you the ability to request data for a single Round as well as all Rounds of a Season.

The endpoint is often used in combination with Includes like Results or Fixtures to show them based on Rounds.


fixtures season league``stage result


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here.

4.1 "GET" Round by ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of one single Round by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the Round you want to retrieve.

4.2 "GET" Rounds by Season ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of Rounds by Seasons {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the Season you want to retrieve.

5. Stages

Leagues and Seasons all over the world can have a different set up. The Stages endpoint can help you to define the current Stage or set up of multiple Stages of a particular League/Season.

Stages names are for example: Regular Season, Play-offs, Semi-Finals, Final etc.


fixtures season league result


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here.

5.1 "GET" Stage by ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of one single Stage by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the Stage you want to retrieve.

5.2 "GET" Stages by Season ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of the Stages by Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the Season you want to retrieve.

6. Standings

Standings represent the rankings of Teams in the different Leagues they participate. Responses of the Standings endpoint can be returned in 2 formats, depending on the League setup. For ‘normal’ Leagues the response format is different compared to Cups.


team season league round stages


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam
  • Group{ID}'s - A Comma separated list of group ids.
  • Stage{ID}'s - A Comma separated list of stage ids.


For full documentation on this endpoint click here.

6.1 "GET" Standings by Season ID

With this endpoint you can get the Standings of one single Season by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The id of the Season you want to retrieve.

6.2 "GET" Live Standings by Season ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of the live standings by Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam
  • Group{id} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.

6.3 "GET" Standings by Season ID and Round ID.

With this endpoint you can get an overview of the Stages by Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}/round/{ID}/")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.
{ID} - The Round id of the record you want to retrieve.

7. Teams & Squads

With the Teams endpoint you can find all Team Details you need. You can think if information about when the Team is founded, Logo, Team Name, Short Name etc.


country squad coach transfers sidelined venue fifaranking uefaranking visitorFixtures localFixtures visitorResults latest upcoming goalscorers cardscorers assistscorers aggregatedGoalscorers aggregatedCardscorers aggregatedAssistscorers league activeSeasons


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on the team endpoint click here, for the squads endpoint click here.

7.1 "GET" Team Squad by Season ID

With this endpoint you can get the Team Squad of one single Season by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}&seasons={ID}")


{ID} - The actual Team id of the record you want to retrieve.
{ID} - The actual Seasons id of the record you want to retrieve.

7.2 "GET" Teams by Season ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of all the Teams by Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.

7.3 "GET" Team by ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview of one Team by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Team id of the record you want to retrieve.

7.4 "GET" Team by Name (Search)

This endpoint returns an array of teams that meet your search criteria.

("GET", "{SEARCH}")


{SEARCH} - The name of the Team you want to retrieve.

7.5 "GET" Active Season by Team ID

With this endpoint you can get an overview all the active seasons of one Team by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}&include=activeSeasons")


{ID} - The Team id of the record you want to retrieve.

8. Players & Coaches

This endpoint provides you with detailed Player and Coach information. With this endpoint you will be able to build a complete Player and Coach Profile.


position team trophies sidelined transfers country


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on the player endpoint click here, for the coaches endpoint click here.

8.1 "GET" Player by ID

With this endpoint you can get detailed information of one Player by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The actual Player id of the record you want to retrieve.

8.2 "GET" Players by Name (Search)

This endpoint returns an array of Players that meet your search criteria.

("GET", "{SEARCH}")


{SEARCH} - The name of the League you want to retrieve.

8.3 "GET" Coach by ID

With this endpoint you can get detailed information of one Coach by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Coach id of the record you want to retrieve.

9. Venues

This endpoint provides you with detailed Venue information like Name, City, Capacity, Address and even a Venue image.


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here

9.1 "GET" Venue by ID

With this endpoint you can get detailed information of one Venue by {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The actual Venue id of the record you want to retrieve.

9.2 "GET" Venues by Season ID

With this endpoint you can get detailed information of all the Venues by Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.

10. Topscorers

The Topscorers endpoint provides you accurate information about the Topscorers in Goals, Cards and Assists. The endpoint returns the top 25 players and they can all be included at once or separately per Type (Goals, Cards or Assists).


goalscorers.player cardscorers.player assistscorers.player

Aggregated includes

aggregatedGoalscorers.player aggregatedCardscorers.player aggregatedAssistscorers.player


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here

10.1 "GET" All Aggregated Topscorers by Season ID

This Topscorers endpoint returns the Aggregated Topscorers by Season. This means that all stages are summed, also preliminary stages.

("GET", " /seasons/{ID} ")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - aggregatedGoalscorers.player,, aggregatedCardscorers.player,, aggregatedAssistscorers.player,

10.2 "GET" All Topscorers by Season ID

This Topscorers endpoint returns the Topscorers by Stage of the Season. If you want an aggregated Topscorer list, please use the Aggregated Topscorers by Season endpoint.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - goalscorers.player,, cardscorers.player,, assistscorers.player,

10.3 "GET" Aggregated Goalscorers by Season ID

This Aggregated Goalscores endpoint returns the Goalscores by Stage of the Season.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - aggregatedGoalscorers.player,

10.4 "GET" Goalcorers by Season ID

This Goalscorers endpoint returns the Goalscorers by Stage of the Season.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - goalscorers.player,

10.5 "GET" Aggregated Cardscorers by Season ID

This Topscorers endpoint returns the Aggregated Cardscores by Season. This means that all stages are summed, also preliminary stages.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - aggregatedCardscorers.player,

10.6 "GET" Cardscorers by Season ID

This Topscorers endpoint returns the Cardscorers by Stage of the Season. If you want an aggregated Cardscorers list, please use the Aggregated Cardscorer by Season endpoint.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - cardscorers.player,

10.7 "GET" Aggregated Assistscorers by Season ID

This Topscorers endpoint returns the Aggregated Assistscorers by Season. This means that all stages are summed, also preliminary stages.

("GET", "{ID} ")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - aggregatedAssistscorers.player,

10.8 "GET" Assistscorers by Season ID

This Topscorers endpoint returns the Assistscorers by Stage of the Season. If you want an aggregated Assistscorers list, please use the Aggregated Assistscorers by Season endpoint.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - assistscorers.player,

11. Continents & Countries

The Continents endpoint helps you with assigning Countries and Leagues to the part of the world (Continent) they belong to. Available Continents are Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, North America and South America. The Countries endpoint provides you Country information like for example its Flag, IsoCode, Continent and other related Country information.


leagues continent countries


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on the continents endpoint click here, for the countries endpoint click here.

11.1 "GET" All Countries

The Countries endpoint provides you Country information like for example its Flag, IsoCode, Continent and other related Country information.

("GET", "")

11.2 "GET" All Continents

The Continents endpoint helps you with assigning Countries and Leagues to the part of the world (Continent) they belong to.

("GET", "")

11.3 "GET" Country by ID

This endpoint gives you information of one Country by {ID}.

("GET", " {ID}")


{ID} - The Country id of the record you want to retrieve.

11.4 "GET" Continent by ID

This endpoint gives you information of one Continent by {ID}.

("GET", " {ID}")


{ID} - The Continent id of the record you want to retrieve.

12. Pre-match and Live Odds

Odds are used to add betting functionality to your application. This endpoint can be used for Pre-match and In-Play Odds.


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here

12.1 "GET" Inplay Odds by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the Live odds by Fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.

12.2 "GET" Pre-Match Odds by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the Pre-match odds by Fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.

13. Bookmakers & Odd Markets

This endpoint is very useful for administrative purposes to check and structure the Bookmakers and Markets availability.


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on the bookmakers endpoint click here, for the markets endpoint click here.

13.1 "GET" Get All Bookmakers

This endpoint gives you all the available Bookmakers.

("GET", "")

13.2 "GET" Get Bookmakers by ID

This endpoint gives information about the Bookmaker by{ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")

13.3 "GET" Get All Markets

This endpoint gives you all the available Markets.

("GET", "")

13.4 "GET" Odds Market by ID

This endpoint gives information about the Markets by{ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")

14. Line-Up

This endpoint gives you the line-up information of a Fixture {ID} or Player {ID}.


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on the fixture’s endpoint click here, for the players endpoint click here.

14.1 "GET" Line-Up by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the Line-Up of a Fixture {ID}

("GET", "{ID} ")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - lineup

14.2 "GET" All Line-Ups by Player ID

This endpoint gives you all the Line-Ups of a Player {ID}

("GET", "{ID} ")


{ID} - The Player id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - lineup

15. Statistics

With this endpoint you can access all the statistics per team, player and season on various levels.


For full documentation on the fixture’s endpoint click here, for the players endpoint click here, for the teams endpoint click here and for the seasons endpoint click here


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam

15.1 "GET" Match Statistics by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the match statistics of a Fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - stats

15.2 "GET" Player Statistics by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you all the Player statistics of a Fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - lineup.player

15.3 "GET" Team Statistics by Team ID

This endpoint gives you all the statistics by Team {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


  • required includes - stats


{ID} - The Team id of the record you want to retrieve.

15.4 "GET" Team Statistics by Season ID

This endpoint gives you all the Team statistics by Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - stats

15.5 "GET" Team Statistics by Team ID and Season ID

This endpoint gives you all the Team statistics by Team {ID} and Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}/seasons/{ID}")


{ID} - The Team id of the record you want to retrieve.
{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - stats

15.7 "GET" Player Statistics by ID

This endpoint gives you all the statistics by Player {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Player id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - stats

15.8 "GET" Player Statistics by Player ID and Season ID

This endpoint gives you all the statistics by Player {ID} and Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}/seasons/{ID}")


{ID} - The Player id of the record you want to retrieve.
{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - stats

15.9 "GET" Season Statistics by Season ID

This endpoint gives you all the statistics by Season {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Season id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - stats
  • optional includes - mostcleensheetsteam, mostgoalteam, assisttopscorer, mostgoalspermatchteam, mostconcededgoalsteam, topscorer, mostcleansheetsgoalkeeper, mostcornerteam

16. Head2Head

This endpoint provides you with all previous Games between 2 Teams. Because it is about Historical Fixtures, it is possible to add Includes like for example Events, Line-ups, Stats, Goals, Cards, Referee etc. The Head 2 Head endpoint can give you a complete overview of the historical Games between 2 teams.


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


localTeam visitorTeam leagues``season


For full documentation on this endpoint click here

16.1 "GET" Head 2 Head by Team Ids

This endpoint gives you the Head 2 Head by Team {ID}’s.

("GET", "{ID1}/{ID2}")


{ID1} - The id of the first team
{ID2} - The id of the second team

17. Events

This endpoint provides you with all the events of a single fixture.
You can use events as an include on another fixture endpoint as well.


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam


For full documentation on this endpoint click here

17.1 "GET" Events by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the events by Fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID} ")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - stats

18. Others

Below are some endpoints listed under the categorie “Other”. Please note that many of this endpoint can also be used as an include on other endpoints.


  • tz - Override the default timezone with your own timezone. Example: Europe/Amsterdam

18.1 "GET" Commentaries by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the Commentaries by Fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID} ")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.

18.2 "GET" Transfers by Player ID

This 1endpoint gives you the transfers by Players {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Player id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - transfers

18.3 "GET" Sidelined by Player ID

This endpoint gives you the sidelined by Players {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Player id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - sidelined

18.4 "GET" Benched Players by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the benched Players by fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - bench

18.5 "GET" Trends by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the Trends by fixture {ID}.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.


  • required includes - trends

18.6 "GET" Video Highlights by Fixture ID

This endpoint gives you the Video Highlights by fixture {ID}. Video Highlights is a community feature, which basically means we have no control over the availability of videos. So, we cannot guarantee the video you are looking for is available.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.

18.7 "GET" TV Stations by Fixture ID

The TV Stations endpoint is about TV Stations broadcasting the Football Games. Per Fixture, the endpoints return all TV Stations that broadcast the Game.

("GET", "{ID}")


{ID} - The Fixture id of the record you want to retrieve.