TextFlow SMS API

Taraf TextFlow LLC | Güncelleyen 2ヶ月前 | SMS

9.8 / 10



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Hi, we were previously able to send out text messages with this API using jQuery without issue. It looks like sending messages no longer works (status is 200 and it says message sent successfully, but no one is receiving the message that is sent). Is there anyone available to assist us with this?
Rapid account: Alexupit
alexupit Commented 2ヶ月前

same here. it’s always saying sent, but it’s not actually received to any US numbers on any network… It’s a shame because it used to work in the past… And it’s even more weird that it shows the API was updated 3 days ago. What they worked on is not very clear since still nothing gets delivered…

Rapid account: Rayliu 927
rayliu927 Commented 3ヶ月前

same here. just subscribed today

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