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Company Search failing often

Rapid account: Jonnytullis
3년 전

I’ve performed about 15 requests to the Company Search endpoint, and a handful of them come back with this response:

“message”:“Error in search”

The status code is 200 so the RapidAPI analytics don’t pick it up. I can make the same request over and over and it will fail about 10% of the time. Is there a particular reason this is happening?

Rapid account: Aytac Kirmizi
aytac.kirmizi Commented 3년 전

I am facing a similar problem since yesterday with the people search. I have created another discussion/topic for my problem.

Rapid account: Jonnytullis
jonnytullis Commented 3년 전

Quick work! It does seem to be fixed

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 3년 전

It’s fixed now!

Feel free to message me if you need any other endpoint.

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 3년 전

Sorry for the issue, Please give me sometime, I will fix that issue and inform your here

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