Rapid account: theCele

theCele / theCele


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> Can you send a reference to how your data is gathered so that users do not have issues with privacy laws? Hi Shuang, The data collected is public data that you can access via popular search engines or through server-to-server verification methods. The data provided can only be used for legitimate purposes. In your email communication, you must follow certain guidelines to be compliant. We do not provide guidelines, nor do we provide infrastructure for email marketing. GDPR - https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resources/lawful-basis/legitimate-interests/how-do-we-apply-legitimate-interests-in-practice/ CAN-SPAM - https://www.fcc.gov/general/can-spam#:~:text=Congress%20passed%20the%20CAN%2DSPAM,phones%E2%80%94not%20email%20in%20general. CCPA - https://oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccpa jeu. 10:10 27/6/24
Hi Thomas, Thank you for your message There was a problem with the error notification for required fields. Thre requered body is as follows { personFirstName: 'William', personLastName: ' Gates', domain: 'microsoft.com' } All three fields are required. The API was throwing a 500 error instead of notifications, now that is fixed Best, sam. 10:28 13/4/24
> Can you send a reference to how your data is gathered so that users do not have issues with privacy laws? Hi Shuang, The data collected is public data that you can access via popular search engines or through server-to-server verification methods. The data provided can only be used for legitimate purposes. In your email communication, you must follow certain guidelines to be compliant. We do not provide guidelines, nor do we provide infrastructure for email marketing. GDPR - https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resources/lawful-basis/legitimate-interests/how-do-we-apply-legitimate-interests-in-practice/ CAN-SPAM - https://www.fcc.gov/general/can-spam#:~:text=Congress%20passed%20the%20CAN%2DSPAM,phones%E2%80%94not%20email%20in%20general. CCPA - https://oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccpa jeu. 10:10 27/6/24