PDF stamping

By Владимир Тятин | Updated 13일 전 | Tools
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With this PDF stamping API, You can easily apply stamps to the pages of a PDF document.
This API contains 3 endpoints for applying text, barcode and QRcode stamps to a PDF document.

  1. PrintTextStamp - for multiline text stamps (optionally, you can set the text color(Color parameter) and draw a frame(WithBorder parameter) around the stamp)
  2. PrintBarcodeStamp - for barcode stamps
  3. PrintQRCodeStamp - for QRCode stamps

All endpoints support the functionality to exclude selected pages from stamping through the parameter ExcludedPageNumbers.
All parameters for endpoints are passed via form-data.

For all types of stamps, the position on the page can be passed through the Place parameter, the possible values are:
TopLeft = 1,
TopRight = 2,
TopCenter = 3,
BottomLeft = 4,
BottomRight = 5,
BottomCenter = 6

Multiple values can be passed through a parameter StampText for PrintTextStamp endpoint, for example:
curl -X POST “http://host/Pdf/PrintTextStamp” -H “accept: /” -H “Content-Type: multipart/form-data” -F “StampText=first line” -F “StampText=second line” -F “FontSize=10” -F “BoldFont=false” -F “Place=2” -F “Pdf=@test.pdf;type=application/pdf”

Multiple values can be passed through a parameter ExcludedPageNumbers for all endpoints, for example:
curl -X POST “http://host/Pdf/PrintBarcodeStamp” -H “accept: /” -H “Content-Type: multipart/form-data” -F “Code=1212414112412” -F “Place=2” -F “ExcludedPageNumbers=2” -F “ExcludedPageNumbers=3” -F “Pdf=@test.pdf;type=application/pdf”

The result of all endpoints is a PDF file with stamps (content-type: application/pdf ).

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Rapid account: Владимир Тятин
Владимир Тятин
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