Business E-Mail Resolution

(Ким) Implisense | Оновлено 2 months ago | Business
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How to improve your Inbound Lead Generation with Zapier

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to access the API for getting essential company information by providing a business email address using Zapier, with an example workflow for Inbound Lead Generation:

Step 1: Sign up and set up Zapier
If you haven’t already, sign up for a Zapier account at Once you’re signed in, create a new Zap by clicking on the “Make a Zap” button.

Step 2: Set up a Trigger
Choose a trigger app that represents the source of your inbound leads, such as a form submission or CRM. Follow the instructions in Zapier to connect and configure the trigger app accordingly. This will be the starting point of your workflow.

Step 3: Add an Action step
Click on the plus (+) button below the Trigger step and search for “Webhooks by Zapier”. Select it as the action app.

Step 4: Configure the Webhooks Action
Choose the “POST” method for the Action and enter the API endpoint URL. Customize any required headers or authentication parameters based on the API documentation.

Step 5: Set up the Request Body
In the Request Body section, enter the necessary parameters required by the API, such as the business email address. You may need to reference the data received from the Trigger step by using Zapier’s built-in variables or data mapping.

Step 6: Test and Save the Action
Once you have configured the Webhooks Action, click on the “Continue” button. Zapier will send a test request to the API using the provided data. Verify that the request is successful and contains the expected response.

Step 7: Add additional steps (optional)
Depending on your workflow requirements, you can add more actions after the Webhooks step. For example, you can use the obtained company information to update a CRM, send notifications, or perform any other necessary actions.

Step 8: Enable and Test the Zap
Enable the Zap to start running the workflow. You can then test the entire workflow by triggering the initial event that activates the Zap. Verify that the API request is made, and the subsequent actions are performed correctly.

That’s it! You have successfully set up a Zapier workflow for Inbound Lead Generation, where the API is used to get essential company information by providing a business email address. Zapier will automate the process and fetch the necessary data from the API for each inbound lead, allowing you to further process and utilize the obtained information in your workflow.