UniPhone Verify

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UniPhone Number Verification API Documentation


The UniPhone Number Verification API is a robust and secure solution designed to verify the validity of PayPal-associated phone numbers for customers in the United States (US) and Spain (ES). It’s an essential tool for businesses aiming to ensure the authenticity of their users and reduce fraudulent activities. This API enables you to seamlessly integrate phone number verification into your existing applications and platforms.

This documentation will guide you on how to effectively implement and use our UniPhone Number Verification API, ensuring a seamless and secure integration. Detailed documentation with additional features and functionalities will be deployed soon on our website.

Getting Started

Before you start, you need to obtain an API key. This can be requested by contacting our support team at alexander@hugegrad.com.

Base URL

All URLs referenced in the API have the following base:


API Endpoints


This endpoint verifies whether a given phone number is valid and associated with a PayPal account.

HTTP Request

POST /extract_send

Example Request

NOTE: do not include country code. for e.g: 4155552671

  "num": "phone",
  "proxies": "proxy",
  "cookies": {
  "headers": {
  "data": "data"


This endpoint returns a JSON object that includes the status and message fields.

Field Type Description
status boolean Indicates whether the phone number is valid (true) or invalid (false).
captcha-name string A brief message explaining the status.
Response Latency
Endpoint Latency
Total 1s to < 20s
Captcha verification 1s to < 13s
Main 0.4s to < 1s

Example Response

    "status": "valid",
    "captcha-name": "captcha response (we already handle this :))"


The API will return standard HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of a request. In case of an error, a message will be included in the response to provide additional details.

Rate Limiting

To ensure the quality of our services, our API enforces rate limits. If you exceed these limits, you’ll receive a 429 Too Many Requests HTTP status code.

Remark / Conclusion

The PayPal Phone Number Verification API provides a secure and efficient way to verify the validity of PayPal-associated phone numbers. This API is currently optimized for the US and Spain, with plans to support more countries in the near future. For more detailed information and additional functionalities, stay tuned for the full documentation soon to be released on our website.

For any questions or issues related to this API, please reach out to our support team at alexander@hugegrad.com.

Note: This API does not provide any guarantee on the current active status of the PayPal account associated with the verified phone number. It only checks if the phone number has been associated with a PayPal account in the past.

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