Best Stock Market and Brokerage APIs

Discover the best list of alternative premium and free Stock Market and Brokerage APIs.

Про цю колекцію:

Looking for an API to get data about the stock market? Look no further, RapidAPI has got you covered with this collection of stock trading APIs.

What is a Stock Market API?

API stands for application programming interface, which “is a set of subroutine definitions, communication protocols, and tools for building software.” (Wikipedia) Stock market APIs help you access financial databases to gain insight into data such as financial summaries, stock information, quotes, movers, and other stock trading information.

Enrich your mobile app, software, or website with the stock market and investment data using the stock market & brokerage APIs in this API collection.
Access live, real-time results or dive into historical data for deep analysis.

The APIs in this collection can help you:

  • Get the latest financial news on trending topics.
  • Retrieve historical stock market data.
  • Access various stock exchanges like NYSE, Nasdaq, LSE, ASX, Dow Jones, and more.

Top stock market APIs include:

Yahoo Finance API

The Yahoo Finance API allows developers to tap into yahoo financial data to get information on the latest stock market trends, latest news, stock ticker information, market historical data, and more!

Google Finance API

The Google Finance API no longer exists, but click here to learn about some alternatives.

Stock Market API Tutorials


This API collection features some of the top stock market APIs and alternatives to Google Finance among other top stock market data providers.
Each API can be tested right in your browser to help you determine which API best suits your needs.

Most APIs have a free or freemium plan that will allow you to see what types of JSON format results or feeds are available for an API you are testing. Use these APIs to help perform analysis into

All APIs have extensive API documentation and return results in JSON data format. Choose your favorite programming language to get started, whether it be:

  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Objective-C
  • Java (Android)
  • C#(.NET)
  • or cURL

How to Get Started

Sign up today for a free RapidAPI account to begin testing and using the APIs in this collection (and many more!)

Do you agree with our list of the best Stock Market APIs? What do you think is the best Stock Market API? Let us know on the RapidAPI Blog.