How to recover crypto

(Ким) David Mathew | Оновлено vor 2 Monaten | Cybersecurity
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How to recover crypto

Rapid account: Davidmathewant
vor 2 Monaten

So you bought some coins on an exchange and tried to send them to your TrustWallet app, or wherever.
Problem is, the coins you bought on the exchange weren’t actually on the native network, they were ERC20 tokens. And your TrustWallet address of course is on BSC, or whatever.
Therefore, your coins are gone.
Insanely, the exchange marked the transaction as complete, and Etherscan also says the transaction is complete. There is literally no indication anywhere that anything is wrong, save the fact that you haven’t received the coins in your TrustWallet.
This is the state of crypto UX right now.
God only knows how many coins are out there, frozen in mismatched network carbonite.
Luckily there’s hope
Now this method is not always possible, especially with the more obscure coins. But if the coins you lost are a relatively big name with support on multiple wallets, then I think there is a pretty good chance you can recover them, no matter how long ago you made this mistake.
I recently recovered funds that I thought had been lost for well over a month.
Thankfully, I retained my screenshots and the link to the etherscan transaction page, which proved invaluable when I sought to recover my coins.
Here are the steps I followed:
Step 1:
Confirm the network that the sending address is on.
Step 2:
Confirm the network that the receiving address is on.
Step 3:
Now that you’ve established that, different situations require slightly different processes.
Situation A:
You sent an ERC20 token to an ERC20 address, but the wallet of the receiving address does not support that particular coin.
For instance, you transferred some $RAINBOW from Metamask to your ETH address on Exodus (which, at the time, did not support $RAINBOW).
In this scenario, you need to obtain the seed phrase of the wallet where you sent the coins (Exodus). If you don’t have the seed phrase, you can typically find it in the settings of most wallet apps. This is crucial because there’s no way to retrieve the coins without the seed phrase of the receiving wallet.
Once you have the seed phrase, you can recover the funds using another wallet app.
Search for a wallet that supports your coin and network. Currently, Metamask is one of the wallets that supports the most coins.
If you encounter difficulties during this process or require assistance with recovering your lost coins, feel free to contact Wizard Asset Recovery for expert guidance and support.
Wizard Asset Recovery

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