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Movie Database


Generates Random Movies


Limit: The Amount of movies you want to be returned

Limit (Number) (required): The Amount of fighters to be returned

Request format: /Random/30

example response
        "_id": "65ef3f42675dde8010854ec1",
        "id": 396810,
        "title": "The Last Word",
        "vote_average": 6.564,
        "vote_count": 330,
        "status": "Released",
        "release_date": "2017-03-03T00:00:00.000Z",
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        "budget": 0,
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        "original_language": "en",
        "original_title": "The Last Word",
        "overview": "A retired businesswoman – who tries to control everything around her – decides to write her own obituary. A young journalist takes up the task of finding out the truth, and the result is a life-altering friendship.",
        "popularity": 11.697,
        "poster_path": "",
        "tagline": "An unexpected friendship that began at the end.",
        "genres": "Comedy, Drama",
        "production_companies": "Franklin Street, Myriad Pictures, Parkside Pictures, Wondros",
        "production_countries": "United States of America",
        "spoken_languages": "English"
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        "id": 8766,
        "title": "Hellraiser: Bloodline",
        "vote_average": 5.217,
        "vote_count": 466,
        "status": "Released",
        "release_date": "1996-03-08T00:00:00.000Z",
        "revenue": 16675000,
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        "budget": 4000000,
        "imdb_id": "tt0116514",
        "original_language": "en",
        "original_title": "Hellraiser: Bloodline",
        "overview": "Three generations of the same family deal with the consequences of unleashing the forces of hell.",
        "popularity": 21.491,
        "poster_path": "",
        "tagline": "The past, the present and the future will all meet at the crossroads of hell!",
        "genres": "Horror, Science Fiction",
        "production_companies": "Dimension Films, Miramax, Trans Atlantic Entertainment",
        "production_countries": "United States of America",
        "spoken_languages": "English"


Returns Movies by their IMDB ID


id: The corresponding IMDB ID for the movie you want to find

id (String) (Required) (Case Sensitive)

Request format: /FindByImdbId/tt1375666

example response
        "_id": "65ef3f30675dde8010852dc4",
        "id": 27205,
        "title": "Inception",
        "vote_average": 8.364,
        "vote_count": 34495,
        "status": "Released",
        "release_date": "2010-07-15T00:00:00.000Z",
        "revenue": 825532764,
        "runtime": 148,
        "adult": false,
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        "budget": 160000000,
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        "original_language": "en",
        "original_title": "Inception",
        "overview": "Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: \"inception\", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.",
        "popularity": 83.952,
        "poster_path": "",
        "tagline": "Your mind is the scene of the crime.",
        "genres": "Action, Science Fiction, Adventure",
        "production_companies": "Legendary Pictures, Syncopy, Warner Bros. Pictures",
        "production_countries": "United Kingdom, United States of America",
        "spoken_languages": "English, French, Japanese, Swahili"

Find By Title

Returns Movies by their Title


title: The title of movie you want to find

title (String) (Required) 

Request format: /FindByTitle/Inception

example response
        "_id": "65ef3f30675dde8010852dc4",
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        "title": "Inception",
        "vote_average": 8.364,
        "vote_count": 34495,
        "status": "Released",
        "release_date": "2010-07-15T00:00:00.000Z",
        "revenue": 825532764,
        "runtime": 148,
        "adult": false,
        "backdrop_path": "/8ZTVqvKDQ8emSGUEMjsS4yHAwrp.jpg",
        "budget": 160000000,
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        "original_language": "en",
        "original_title": "Inception",
        "overview": "Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: \"inception\", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.",
        "popularity": 83.952,
        "poster_path": "",
        "tagline": "Your mind is the scene of the crime.",
        "genres": "Action, Science Fiction, Adventure",
        "production_companies": "Legendary Pictures, Syncopy, Warner Bros. Pictures",
        "production_countries": "United Kingdom, United States of America",
        "spoken_languages": "English, French, Japanese, Swahili"


Search returns the closest match to the title input


title: The title of movie you want to find

title (String) (Required) 

Request format: /Search/Avenge

example response
        "_id": "65ef3f30675dde8010852dd3",
        "id": 299534,
        "title": "Avengers: Endgame",
        "vote_average": 8.263,
        "vote_count": 23857,
        "status": "Released",
        "release_date": "2019-04-24T00:00:00.000Z",
        "revenue": 2800000000,
        "runtime": 181,
        "adult": false,
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        "budget": 356000000,
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        "imdb_id": "tt4154796",
        "original_language": "en",
        "original_title": "Avengers: Endgame",
        "overview": "After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos' actions and restore order to the universe once and for all, no matter what consequences may be in store.",
        "popularity": 91.756,
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        "tagline": "Avenge the fallen.",
        "genres": "Adventure, Science Fiction, Action",
        "production_companies": "Marvel Studios",
        "production_countries": "United States of America",
        "spoken_languages": "English, Japanese, Xhosa"
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        "id": 299536,
        "title": "Avengers: Infinity War",
        "vote_average": 8.255,
        "vote_count": 27713,
        "status": "Released",
        "release_date": "2018-04-25T00:00:00.000Z",
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        "original_title": "Avengers: Infinity War",
        "overview": "As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of unimaginable power, and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment - the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain.",
        "popularity": 154.34,
        "poster_path": "",
        "tagline": "An entire universe. Once and for all.",
        "genres": "Adventure, Action, Science Fiction",
        "production_companies": "Marvel Studios",
        "production_countries": "United States of America",
        "spoken_languages": "English, Xhosa"
        "_id": "65ef3f30675dde8010852dc8",
        "id": 24428,
        "title": "The Avengers",
        "vote_average": 7.71,
        "vote_count": 29166,
        "status": "Released",
        "release_date": "2012-04-25T00:00:00.000Z",
        "revenue": 1518815515,
        "runtime": 143,
        "adult": false,
        "backdrop_path": "/9BBTo63ANSmhC4e6r62OJFuK2GL.jpg",
        "budget": 220000000,
        "homepage": "",
        "imdb_id": "tt0848228",
        "original_language": "en",
        "original_title": "The Avengers",
        "overview": "When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!",
        "popularity": 98.082,
        "poster_path": "",
        "tagline": "Some assembly required.",
        "genres": "Science Fiction, Action, Adventure",
        "production_companies": "Marvel Studios",
        "production_countries": "United States of America",
        "spoken_languages": "English, Hindi, Russian"


Returns movies that match the defined criteria


MinRating The minimum Rating/10 you want the movie(s) to have

MaxRating The maximum Rating/10 you want the movie(s) to have

MinYear The minimum year (YYYY format) you want for the movie(s)

MaxYear The maximum year (YYYY format) you want for the movie(s)

MinRuntime The minimum runtime you want for the movie(s)

MaxRuntime The maximum runtime you want for the movie(s)

MinRevenue The minimum revenue made you want for the movie(s)

MaxRevenue The maximum revenue made you want for the movie(s)

Genre The Genre of movie(s) you want to find

Adult Are you looking for 15/18 rated movies?

SpokenLanguage Selects the movies with the defined language

OriginalLanguage Selects the movies with the defined language

MinRating (Number 1-10)
MaxRating (Number 1-10)

MinYear (Number 1971-2024)
MaxYear (Number 1971-2024)

MinRuntime (Number - Any)
MaxRuntime (Number - Any)

MinRevenue (Number - Any) (no commas)
MaxRevenue (Number - Any) (no commas)

Genre (String) options:

    - Action
    - Adventure
    - Animation
    - Comedy
    - Crime
    - Documentary
    - Drama
    - Family
    - Fantasy
    - Horror
    - Musical
    - Mystery
    - Romance
    - Science Fiction (Sci-Fi)
    - Thriller
    - War
    - Western

Adult (boolean)

SpokenLanguage: (String) options:

    - Bengali
    - Chinese
    - English
    - French
    - German
    - Hindi
    - Japanese
    - Korean
    - Portuguese
    - Russian
    - Spanish
    - Turkish
    - Urdu
    - Vietnamese

OriginalLanguage: (String) options:

    - Bengali: bn
    - Chinese: zh
    - English: en
    - French: fr
    - German: de
    - Hindi: hi
    - Japanese: ja
    - Korean: ko
    - Portuguese: pt
    - Russian: ru
    - Spanish: es
    - Turkish: tr
    - Urdu: ur
    - Vietnamese: vi

Thank you, i hope you are satisfied with your MovieDatabase API experience

Any issues or questions, do not hesitate to contact:

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Створювач API:
Rapid account: Dolphin Noir
Dolphin Noir
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