
(Ким) EasyBuyAI | Оновлено 14日前 | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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At EasyBuyAI, we make your clients online shopping experience easier and more convenient. Have you ever wondered which is the best product for your needs among so many available options? We’re here to help! Simply enter the descriptions of the products you’re considering, and we’ll take care of finding the perfect one for you.



The EasyBuyAI API provides functionalities to obtain product recommendations based on certain criteria provided by the user and this response of the AI can be used to obtain Amazon products for affiliate marketing purposes.


  • /BestAmazonProduct/
  • /BestMercadoLibreProduct/
  • /BestProduct/
  • /GetAmazonUrls/
  • /GetProductAdvantages/
  • /GetProductReview/
  • /GetProductDetails/
  • /GetProductRivals/
  • /Gpt-access/

Supported Methods

  • POST: Allows sending a request to obtain the best product recommendation.

Request Parameters


  • X-RapidAPI-Host (required): The RapidAPI host to access the service.
  • X-RapidAPI-Key (required): RapidAPI API Key for authorization.
  • content-type (required): Content type of the request. It should be application/json.

Data (Body)

  • products (required): Array of products with their details. Each product should be a string containing information such as brand, price, and specifications.
  • extra_data (optional): Additional information or requirements provided by the user.
  • language (optional): Language preference for the response.
  • affiliate_id (optional): This is only for the endpoint /GetAmazonUrls/ and it serves to add your Amazon affiliate tag to the URL.
  • recommendation (required): This is for the endpoints /GetProductAdvantages/ and /GetProductReview/, it serves to create the advantages of the product or show the product review from a Youtube video.
  • product(required): This is for the endpoints /GetProductDetails/ and ,/GetProductRivals/ name of the product that you want to know the especifications.
  • prompt(required): This is for the endpoints /Gpt-access/.
  • gpt_role(required): This is for the endpoints /Gpt-access/.
  • json_format(optional): This is for the endpoints /Gpt-access/.
  • The descriptions of the products must not exceed 4000 characters in total, and a maximum of 5 products can be compared simultaneously.

Example Request

curl --location 'https://easybuyai.p.rapidapi.com/BestProduct/' \
--header 'X-RapidAPI-Host: easybuyai.p.rapidapi.com' \
--header 'X-RapidAPI-Key:  YOUR_RAPIDAPI_API_KEY' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "products": [
        "Smartphone XYZ Brand: XYZ Electronics Price: $999 Specifications: Display: 6.5-inch Full HD+ RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128 GB",
        "Smartphone XYZ LiteBrand: XYZ Electronics Price: $699 Specifications: Display: 6.5-inch Full HD+ RAM: 6 GB Storage: 64 GB"
    "extra_data": "I want it to store a lot of photos",
    "language": "EN"

Benefits of our API

  • Scalability: Our API allows companies to scale their services by providing a standardized interface to integrate with our platform. This enables handling increasing demand without significant changes to the infrastructure.

  • Cost-effectiveness: By leveraging our API, companies can reduce development costs and time to market for new features and services we provide. They can also avoid expenses associated with building and maintaining custom solutions using our functionalities.

  • Enhanced Offerings: Our API enables companies to enhance their product offerings by integrating additional features and services from our platform. This adds more value to their customers and helps them stay competitive in the market.

  • Improved Customer Experience: Integrating our API into their applications and services allows companies to provide a better shopping experience for their customers. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Access to Advanced Features: Customers benefit from access to advanced features and services provided by companies through our API. This allows them to enjoy a better experience when interacting with the products or services offered by the company.

  • Personalization: Companies can use our API to personalize their offerings and tailor them to the specific needs and preferences of individual customers. Providing customers with a more personalized and engaging experience increases the likelihood of them making a purchase or desired action.

  • Real-time Updates and Information: Customers can access real-time updates and information through companies’ applications and services powered by our API. This ensures they always have access to the latest data and insights relevant to their interactions with the company.

These benefits demonstrate how both companies and their customers can leverage our API to drive growth, improve experiences, and achieve their respective goals effectively.

Support Material for Integration into Your Platform

This project was designed to facilitate the integration of our Shopping Assistant into your Platform quickly and easily. Here you will find all the necessary help and materials to achieve this efficiently:
EasyBuyAI Integration Repository


Have questions, feedback, or ready to start using our API? Reach out to us:

We’re here to help!

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