One To One Match API

This API matches the candidate CV with the JD. The API responds to the detailed matching score once the candidate CV matches with the JD.

API Endpoint

The One To One Match API uses the below endpoint:

API Method

The One To One Match API uses the only POST method.

API Request Type

The One To One Match API uses JSON request type.

API Request Header

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Parameters

The One To One Match requires the following parameters in the JSON request format:

Name Type Description Remarks
resumeContent String Provide resume/CV file content in base64 format Required
resumeFileName String Name of the resume/CV file with the extension Required
jdContent String Provide JD file content in base64 format Required
jdFileName String Name of the JD file with the extension Required
matchType String Resume to JD / JD to Resume Required
explainScore Boolean Default is false. If set true this returns details about how a document is searched. For more details, check Explain Score Optional
explainScoreType String Default is text. It can be set as JSON and work if ExplainScore is true. For more details, check Explain Score Optional

Explain Score

It offers a detailed score of search fields that matches the search result.

Request parameters for Explain Score are described below:

Name Type Description Remarks
explainScore Boolean Default is false. If this is set true, it returns the details on how the document is searched. Optional
explainScoreType String Default is text. This can be set as JSON and this returns data only if explainScore parameter is set true. Optional

OneToOne Match Error Codes

Error Code Error Message
2043 explainScore should be boolean value
2044 explainScoreType should be json or text.
2061 invalid value for resumeContent. resumeContent must be string type
2062 invalid value for jdContent. jdContent must be string type
2063 resumeContent is required
2064 jdContent is required
2065 invalid value for resumeFileName. resumeFileName must be string value.
2066 invalid value for jdFileName. jdFileName must be string value
2067 resumeFileName is required
2068 jdFileName is required
2069 matchType is required
2070 matchType must be Resume to JD / JD To Resume
HTTP Status 405 Request method ‘GET’ not supported
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Rapid account: Enrichdata Io
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