Diversity API

Determine the gender and ethnicity of a person.
A simple API to classify the gender and race/ ethnicity of a person given their full name. The API will return gender as female and male, and ethnicity as black, hispanic, asian, arab, native american, pacific islander or white.

The API is free for up to 100 names/day. No sign up or API key needed. So go ahead and try it out.

The request will render a response like the following:

    "fullname": "camila alejandra cortez",
    "gender": "female",
    "gender probability": "0.9",
    "ethnicity": "hispanic",
    "ethnicity probability": "0.7"
Відстежувачі: 1
Веб-сайт продукту Умови використання
Створювач API:
Rapid account: Kedar
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