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PlantUML Generation API

The PlantUML Generation API is a powerful tool designed to facilitate the generation of PlantUML diagrams effortlessly. PlantUML is a textual diagramming language used for creating a wide range of diagrams, including UML diagrams, flowcharts, and more. This API allows developers to integrate PlantUML functionality into their applications and workflows, making it easy to visualize complex systems, processes, and structures.


  • /png (POST)

The /png endpoint serves as the primary entry point for generating PNG-format PlantUML diagrams. It accepts HTTP POST requests with application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type. The request payload should include the umlcode parameter, representing the PlantUML code to be rendered into a diagram. The API processes the provided code, generates the corresponding diagram, and returns the result as a PNG image.

Example Usage

Use Case 1: Integration with Documentation Systems
Purpose: Embed PlantUML diagrams directly into documentation systems to enhance the visual representation of system architectures, workflows, and data models.

Example Request:

POST /png
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
umlcode=@startuml\nClassA --|> ClassB\n@enduml

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/png
[Binary PNG Data]

Error Handling

The API provides detailed error handling to ensure a smooth user experience. Possible error scenarios include missing or invalid umlcode, syntax errors in the PlantUML code, and internal server errors. The API responds with appropriate HTTP status codes and plaintext error messages for easy debugging and integration.

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