
(Ким) Eranda Lakshantha | Оновлено vor 3 Monaten | Data
Health Check


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Getting Started with egal API

Prepare the DataSet

egal API is only designed for 2 dimensional data , i.e. it expects a dataset with x axis and y axis. So we need to prepare the dataset into 2 columns where the first column includes the x axis and the second being y axis. Column headings must be in lower-case ‘x’ and ‘y’.

The dataset must be saved as a .csv file and must be accessible online. It must be openly accessble with no password protections. For example we can upload it to Google Drive and make as public during the API’s usage.

The api expects the x and y columns to be numeric.

Please make sure the URL is a direct link to the csv file. If you host the csv file in Google Drive and get a sharable link it will take us into to the preview screen rather than the file itself. So make sure the URL is a direct download.

*An example dataset could be found at -

*When supplying data to egal-api please make sure the .csv file is in same form as in the above example.*

How To Use It

We can test the API using Postman. You can also integrate this API into your app or code using any http client library (such as RestSharp).

Using Postman please create a new POST method with following parameters.

base url:

content-type: application/json

‘X-RapidAPI-Host’: ‘

request body: ‘{
“url”: “url_to_your_csv_data”

Use the following body parameter for all end-points.


At the moment egal-api has the following end-points. We can use POST methods with the same request body as in above to test these end-points.

  • /linear/regression
  • /linear/plot
  • /linear/hist
  • /linear/regressionplot
  • /linear/stats