PixelPioneer Image Processing API

(Ким) PixelPioneer | Оновлено hace 2 meses | Video, Images

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/remove_background API


The /remove_background API endpoint is a cornerstone of the PixelPioneer Image Processing Suite, providing users with a seamless solution for removing backgrounds from images. Leveraging advanced algorithms and customizable parameters, users can achieve precise background removal tailored to their specific requirements.


To ensure secure access to the PixelPioneer Image Processing Suite, users are required to include their unique API key in the request headers using the x-api-key parameter. Use PixelPioneerRapid-9FK05IjcKk1MvXsjOsrsTFdkgsx01Mi6w5WsaNDvYBZAmu for testing

HTTP Method

This endpoint is accessible via the POST HTTP method, offering a robust framework for efficient background removal operations.

Request Parameters

Users have the flexibility to define the model type for background removal using the model_type parameter. Supported model types include “GENERAL”, “HUMAN”, “CLOTH”, “GENERALV2”, and “ANIME”. Additionally, users can specify a background color to be applied during the removal process using the bgcolor parameter, formatted as a comma-separated RGB tuple (e.g., “255,255,255,255”).
Note that the bgcolor color parameter will only accept 4 numeric values corresponding to a color. Any other type of input will result in a 500 error.

Request Body

The API expects users to upload one or more image files via the file parameter in the request body. This facilitates the processing of images for background removal.


Upon successful processing, the API responds with a status code of 200 OK. For single image processing, the API returns the processed image file. In the case of multiple image processing, the API generates a zip file containing the processed images. In the event of errors, the API returns a JSON object containing a message key describing the encountered error, with status codes ranging from 4xx to 5xx.


  • The API supports the simultaneous processing of multiple image files within a single request, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
  • It is essential to ensure that the image files provided for processing are in a supported format, such as JPEG or PNG, to ensure accurate and effective background removal operations.
Відстежувачі: 2
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Rapid account: Pixel Pioneer
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