Ultimate SERP Project

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ContactInfoFinder API

The “ContactInfoFinder” endpoint is a powerful tool that extracts essential contact information, including email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses, directly from a website’s “Contact Us” page. This endpoint offers high accuracy and speed, making it an efficient solution for retrieving contact details from websites.

Steps To Use ContactInfoFinder Endpoint :

  1. Go to Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) Page:
    Click to Open Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) or search Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) on RapidAPI.

  2. Select ContactInfoFinder Endpoint:
    On the Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) page, locate the section for the “ContactInfoFinder” endpoint. This endpoint is responsible for extracting contact details from a given URL.

  3. Provide URL Address to scrape Contact details:
    In the documentation for the “ContactInfoAPI” endpoint, you will see the required parameters for the request. It should include parameters named “token” and “url” to which you need to provide the URL address of the website from which you desire to extract contact details.

  4. Receive Contact Details as Results:
    Upon clicking the “Test Endpoint” button, the API will send a request to the provided URL and extract the contact details from the website’s “Contact Us” page. The API response will contain the extracted contact information.
    The response will include the email address, phone number, and physical address details extracted from the specified website’s “Contact Us” page.