Content Sharers

(Ким) Krishna | Оновлено 7 days ago | Data
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Content Sharers API

Social Animal’s Content Sharers API lets you retrieve details of users who shared the article/content on Twitter. Please see the request/response example below to see how this works.​

Things you need to know before you start

  • The rate limit is 1 req/sec by default.

Content Sharers API endpoint


​In Social Animal APIs, any article is uniquely identified by its “content hash”, also referred to as article_id in query parameters. The Social Animal Content Sharers API is an extremely simple API to use. It fetches the Twitter user profiles for users who shared any particular content/article for the article identified by the content hash (article_id) you provide as an argument to the API call. The content hash of all articles in the system is available from other Social Animal APIs like the Social Animal Content API or the Social Animal Share Count API.

The general idea is that you get article details from other Social Animal APIs and when you want to look up the list of users who’ve shared a particular article on Twitter, you use the API described here to get that information.​Please refer to the query parameters below for further details.​

Request Headers

  • X-RapidAPI-Host (String, required)
  • X-RapidAPI-Key (String, required)

Request Object Parameters

There is sufficient indication of whether parameters are mandatory, mutually exclusive, etc. Should you have any trouble using the Social Animal Content sharers API, please see section below on support.​

Influencer API



The Query

  • article_id (String, required) – Content hash of the article
  • offset (String, optional) – Default value is 0
  • limit (String, optional) – Default vaule is 100

Simple Request Example


Successful Response Sample

The result contains users, a list that contains objects describing Twitter users.

{ "users": [ { "utc_offset": null, "friends_count": 375, "profile_image_url_https": "", "listed_count": 0, "default_profile_image": false, "favourites_count": 110, "verified": false, "description": "🎈Let me fly..", "created_at": "2017/02/03 03:38:59", "profile_image_url": "", "time_zone": null, "url": null, "account_created_at": "2016/05/13 05:59:18", "updated_at": "2017/02/03 03:38:59", "screen_name": "DsJuanpablo", "statuses_count": 233, "followers_count": 100, "default_profile": true, "id_str": "731000847157469200", "name": "Juan Pablo", "location": null, "id": 731000847157469200, "lang": "en", "category": "general" }, { "utc_offset": null, "friends_count": 304, "profile_image_url_https": "", "listed_count": 1, "default_profile_image": false, "favourites_count": 364, "description": "🌟16/10 Simpático.\n I enjoy life ♎ \nMe gusta ayudar al prójimo 👍", "created_at": "2018/11/04 08:19:57", "account_created_at": "2012/04/24 06:59:44", "updated_at": "2018/11/04 08:19:57", "screen_name": "Daniel_OpazoG", "id_str": "562341672", "id": 562341672, "lang": "es", "verified": false, "profile_image_url": "", "time_zone": null, "url": null, "statuses_count": 383, "followers_count": 52, "default_profile": false, "profile_use_background_image": true, "name": "DaNiel OpaZo G.", "location": "", "category": "general" }, { "utc_offset": null, "friends_count": 140, "profile_image_url_https": "", "listed_count": 0, "default_profile_image": false, "favourites_count": 5643, "description": "Ser yo misma ...😘...", "created_at": "2018/07/08 03:33:29", "account_created_at": "2017/09/16 11:01:17", "updated_at": "2018/07/08 03:33:29", "screen_name": "Mayra63760657", "id_str": "909190483284435000", "id": 909190483284435000, "lang": "es", "verified": false, "profile_image_url": "", "time_zone": null, "url": null, "statuses_count": 7204, "followers_count": 89, "default_profile": true, "profile_use_background_image": true, "name": "Mayra Andrea", "location": "Santiago, Chile", "category": "general" } ], "total_results": 6, "results_in_page": 3 }


Should you need any support regarding the Social Animal Content API subscription plans or developer support in general, please feel free to reach out to us at

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Rapid account: Krishna
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