Recipe - Food - Nutrition

(Ким) David | Оновлено 16 days ago | Food

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Search by a dish name

Rapid account: Bibek 5770
8 years ago

How do you get detailed information about a restaurant menu item ? ( say chicken parmesan)
I want to query chicken parmesan and receive nutrient value, its ingredients and category type.

Rapid account: Bibek 5770
bibek5770 Commented 8 years ago

That works!! I appreciate you helping me.

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented 8 years ago

Thanks zgilkerson for helping out here!

Rapid account: Zgilkerson
zgilkerson Commented 8 years ago

Use Complex Recipe Search where addRecipeInformation is True to get cuisine type and nutrients(calories, fat, protein, carbs) will be auto-returned with it. You’ll need to take the ID in the json and make a call to Get Recipe Information with it to get the ingredients.

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