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  <p><a href="https://jikan.moe">Jikan</a> is an <strong>Unofficial</strong> MyAnimeList API.

It’s built on the Lumen microframework, uses Redis for caching and is powered by the Jikan PHP API.

API Path: https://api.jikan.moe/v3

API Version: v3.4 RC

Status | Report an Issue | Discord

Information Links Wrappers

Add your wrapper here!

Rate Limiting

Daily Limit: Unlimited

  • 30 requests / minute

  • 2 requests / second

Note: Cached requests are NOT throttled

Bulk Requests

This API serves as a purpose for apps/projects that are user based and make a nominal amount of requests.

⚠️ If you're using the service for the sake of populating data/making your own database;

  • You are breaching MyAnimeList's Terms Of Service. You are responsible for what you're doing.

  • You MUST use a delay of 4 (FOUR) SECONDS between each request

  • Requesting from multiple servers/IPs is being cheeky and is NOT allowed


If you're not comfortable being that restrictive, consider setting up your own Jikan REST API - It's super easy.

  • Jikan is not affiliated with MyAnimeList.net

  • Jikan is a free, open-source API. Use it responsibly!

JSON Notes
  • Any property (except arrays) whose value does not exist or is undertermined, will be null

  • Any array property whose value does not exist or is undetermined, will be empty

  • Any score property whose value does not exist or is undetermined, will be 0

  • All dates and timestamps are returned in ISO8601 format and in UTC


By "caching", we refer to the data parsed from MyAnimeList that is cached temporarily on our servers for performance/faster responses.

All requests by default are cached for 24 hours except for a few API endpoints which have their own unique cache expiry time.

Request Cache TTL
All (Default) 24 hours
Meta 5 minutes
User 5 minutes
Search 120 hours (5 days)

The following Response Headers will detail cache information

Header Remarks
Expires Expiry timestamp for the cache
X-Request-Cached (boolean) Is the request cached?
X-Request-Cache-Ttl (integer) Cache Time-To-Live in seconds

FAQ: Why is X-Request-Cache-Ttl negative?

Jikan REST API v3.3+ uses a different caching logic. If the cache expires, it queues a job in the background to update the cache. So you're getting stale cache until the cache update completes.

Allowed HTTP(s) requests
GET: All requests are done via GET

The Jikan REST API does not provide authenticated requests for MyAnimeList. This means you can not use it to update your anime/manga lists.


  • Why on earth would you send your credentials to a 3rd party API?

  • MyAnimeList will block our IP after multiple failed login attempts

However, do not fret. This is possible via their own website. Read the Specification

Furthermore, JikanAuth is a PHP API which you can use to update your lists - it implements the Specification above. So feel free to come up with your own client-side solution.

HTTP Response
  • 200 OK - the request was successful.

  • 304 Not Modified - You have the latest data

  • 400 Bad Request - You've made an invalid request or to an invalid endpoint.

  • 404 Not Found - MyAnimeList responded with a 404

  • 405 Method Not Allowed - requested method is not supported for resource.

  • 429 Too Many Requests - You are being rate limited or Jikan is being rate-limited by MyAnimeList

  • 500 Internal Server Error - Something broke on our end :(

JSON Error Response

This is a typical error response

    "status": 404,
    "type": "BadResponseException",
    "message": "Resource does not exist"
    "error": "Something Happened"
Property Remarks
status HTTP Status returned
type Exception generated from the PHP API
message Appropriate error message from the REST API
error Error response from the PHP API
report_url (fatal errors only) Clicking on this would redirect you to a generated GitHub Issue
Cache Validation
  • All requests return a ETag header which is an md5 hash of the content.

  • You can use this hash to verify if there's new or updated content by supplying it as the value for the If-None-Match header.

  • You will get a 304 HTTP response if your value and the data on Jikan matches.

  • If there's new/updated content, you'll get a normal 200 HTTP response with the updated content.

How To Use

  1. Use the ETag value as a header value for If-None-Match for future requests

  2. If the content has changed, you will get a 304 - Not Modified header response, otherwise 200 - OK




  <p>A single anime object with all its details</p>

Endpoint Path: /anime/{id}(/request)


Request Parameter Description
/ N/A Resource object with all it's details
/characters_staff N/A List of character and staff members
/episodes Page number (integer) List of episodes
/news N/A List of Related news
/pictures N/A List of Related pictures
/videos N/A List o fPromotional Videos & episodes (if any)
/stats N/A Related statistical information
/forum N/A List of Related forum topics
/moreinfo N/A A string of more information (if any)
/reviews Page number (integer) List of Reviews written by users
/recommendations N/A List of Recommendations and their weightage made by users
/userupdates Page number (integer) List of the latest list updates made by users


  • The field episodes_last_page will tell you the last page of the paginated episodes list.

  • The episodes page on MyAnimeList get paginated after 100 episodes. If there's an anime with more than 100 episodes, you'll have to use the parameter.

  • Only 20 items are shown per page for reviews


  • /anime/1/characters_staff // Returns the list of characters and staff

  • /anime/1/episodes // Defaults to the 1st page

  • /anime/1/episodes/1 // Same as above

  • /anime/1/episodes/2 // Returns 2nd page if there's any



  <p>Search results for the query</p>

NOTE: MyAnimeList only processes queries with a minimum of 3 letters. However, the search function can be used without q! Check examples below for more details.


Parameter Argument Description
type anime, manga, person, character Specify where to search
page INTEGER Page number of the results

Advanced Search Parameters (Anime & Manga)

Note: These are search filters which have to be passed as GET key=value

Parameter Argument Description
q STRING For UTF8 characters, percentage encoded and queries including back slashes
page INTEGER Page number
type See Enums Below Filter type of results
status See Enums Below Filter status of results
rated See Enums Below Filter age rating of results
genre See Enums Below Filter by genre ID(s)
score FLOAT : 0.0-10.0 Filter score of results
start_date yyyy-mm-dd Filter start date of results
end_date yyyy-mm-dd Filter end date of results
genre_exclude boolean : 0/1 To exlude/include the genre you added in your request
limit INTEGER Limits item results to the number specified
order_by See Enums Below Order results with respect to a property
sort See Enums Below Sort order_by (Default is descending)
producer INTEGER MAL ID of the producer
magazine INTEGER MAL ID of the magazine
letter UTF8 Character Search anime or manga by the letter/character it starts with


Anime Types Manga Types
tv manga
ova novel
movie oneshot
special doujin
ona manhwa
music manhua
Anime Status Manga Status
airing publishing
completed completed
complete (alias) complete (alias)
to_be_aired to_be_published
tba (alias) tbp (alias)
upcoming (alias) upcoming (alias)

Anime ratings are based on MyAnimeList's rating system. Read more about them here

Anime Search Remarks
g G - All Ages
pg PG - Children
pg13 PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
r17 R - 17+ recommended (violence & profanity)
r R+ - Mild Nudity (may also contain violence & profanity)
rx Rx - Hentai (extreme sexual content/nudity)
Anime Search Manga Search
title title
start_date start_date
end_date end_date
score score
type type
members members
id id
episodes chapters
rating volumes
Anime & Manga Sort
asc (alias)
desc (alias)
Anime Genre Manga Genre
Action: 1 Action: 1
Adventure: 2 Adventure: 2
Cars: 3 Cars: 3
Comedy: 4 Comedy: 4
Dementia: 5 Dementia: 5
Demons: 6 Demons: 6
Mystery: 7 Mystery: 7
Drama: 8 Drama: 8
Ecchi: 9 Ecchi: 9
Fantasy: 10 Fantasy: 10
Game: 11 Game: 11
Hentai: 12 Hentai: 12
Historical: 13 Historical: 13
Horror: 14 Horror: 14
Kids: 15 Kids: 15
Magic: 16 Magic: 16
Martial Arts: 17 Martial Arts: 17
Mecha: 18 Mecha: 18
Music: 19 Music: 19
Parody: 20 Parody: 20
Samurai: 21 Samurai: 21
Romance: 22 Romance: 22
School: 23 School: 23
Sci Fi: 24 Sci Fi: 24
Shoujo: 25 Shoujo: 25
Shoujo Ai: 26 Shoujo Ai: 26
Shounen: 27 Shounen: 27
Shounen Ai: 28 Shounen Ai: 28
Space: 29 Space: 29
Sports: 30 Sports: 30
Super Power: 31 Super Power: 31
Vampire: 32 Vampire: 32
Yaoi: 33 Yaoi: 33
Yuri: 34 Yuri: 34
Harem: 35 Harem: 35
Slice Of Life: 36 Slice Of Life: 36
Supernatural: 37 Supernatural: 37
Military: 38 Military: 38
Police: 39 Police: 39
Psychological: 40 Psychological: 40
Thriller: 41 Seinen: 41
Seinen: 42 Josei: 42
Josei: 43 Doujinshi: 43
Gender Bender: 44
Thriller: 45


/search/manga/Grand%20Blue/1 (DEPRECIATED v3+)

/search/manga?q=Grand%20Blue&page=1 (RECOMMENDED)

The first way won't work due to the back slash in "Fate/Zero". It's encouraged to use the the GET method below for all queries since it responds more accurately for UTF8 characters and percentage encoding.


Furthermore, the former method is depreciated in v3+. Use q for passing queries.


Season Archive  


  <p>All the years &amp; their respective seasons that can be parsed from MyAnimeList</p>    </div>
Season Later  


  <p>Anime that have been announced for the upcoming seasons</p>    </div>


  <p>Anime/Manga items of the genre</p>

Note: Genres with their respective IDs are listed here


Parameter Argument Description
type anime manga Genre of this type
genre_id INTEGER Genre ID from MyAnimeList - Genre Mapping
page (optional)


  <p>User related data</p>

Note: About is returned in HTML as MyAnimeList allows custom "about" sections for users that can consist of images, formatting, etc.

Note 2: Anime & Manga Lists are paginated. Only 300 items are returned per page.


Parameter Argument Description
username string Username on MyAnimeList
request profile, history, friends, animelist, mangalist
data (optional) Additional data for the requests


Data Argument Description
history anime, manga Returns both combined if neither are passed
friends INTEGER Pagination support; Status 404 if there's no friends on the page
animelist See Enums Below
mangalist See Enums Below

User List Filter

Anime List /animelist Manga List /mangalist
/ /
/all (alias) /all (alias)
/watching /reading
/completed /completed
/onhold /onhold
/dropped /dropped
/plantowatch /plantoread
/ptw (alias) /ptr

Advanced User List Parameters (Anime & Manga)

Note: These are search filters which have to be passed as GET key=value

Parameter Argument Description
search STRING Return items in your list matching the string
q (alias) STRING Return items in your list matching the string
page (alias) INEGER Pass page number as a key=value
sort See Enums Below Sort order_by (Default is descending)

Advanced User List Parameters (ANIME)

Parameter Argument Description
order_by See Enums Below Order items with respect to a property
order_by2 See Enums Below Order items with respect to a second property
aired_from yyyy-mm-dd Filter Anime that have aired from this date
aired_to yyyy-mm-dd Filter Anime that have aired till this date
producer Integer Filter Anime by this Producer ID
year Integer: Year Filter anime from a year
season summer spring fall winter Filter anime from a season (require year)
airing_status See Enums Below Filter Anime with a status

Advanced User List Parameters (MANGA)

Parameter Argument Description
order_by See Enums Below Order items with respect to a property
order_by2 See Enums Below Order items with respect to a second property
published_from yyyy-mm-dd Filter Manga that have published from this date
published_to yyyy-mm-dd Filter Manga that have published till this date
magazine Integer Filter Manga by this Magazine ID
publishing_status See Enums Below Filter Manga with a status

Regarding yyyy-mm-dd dates, you can search for only the year or only the year and the month as well. Just pass it as yyyy-00-00 or yyyy-mm-00. e.g 2018-00-00, 2018-12-00


order_by & order_by2
Anime List Manga List
title title
finish_date finish_date
start_date start_date
score score
last_updated last_updated
type type
rated ``
rewatch ``
rewatch_value (alias) ``
priority priority
progress progress (chapters_read)
episodes_watched (alias) chapters_read (alias)
storage ``
air_start publish_start
air_end publish_end
status status
Anime & Manga Sort
asc (alias)
desc (alias)
airing_status & publishing_status
Anime Airing Status Manga Publishing Status
airing publishing
finished finished
complete (alias) complete (alias)
to_be_aired to_be_published
not_yet_aired (alias) not_yet_published (alias)
tba (alias) tbp (alias)
nya (alias) nyp (alias)


/user/nekomata1037 - Parses Profile

/user/nekomata1037/profile (alias)

/user/nekomata1037/history - Parses user history (anime+manga)

/user/nekomata1037/history/anime - Parses user history (anime only)

/user/nekomata1037/friends - Parses user friends

The request below will return 404 because I don't have that many friends on MAL to generate a second page. /user/nekomata1037/friends/2 - Parses user friends (from page 2)

Anime & Manga Lists

Lists are paginated (300 items per page).

/user/nekomata1037/animelist/all - All anime in user list

/user/nekomata1037/animelist/all/2 - Page 2

/user/nekomata1037/mangalist/reading - Manga that I'm currently reading

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