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Recent articles and article sources

Rapid account: Lojicjay
לפני שנה

Hello. I just had a couple of questions.

  1. When accessing the category endpoint, is there a way to retrieve articles that happen only after a certain date? I’m receiving articles all the way back from December 2022, and would like to only retrieve articles from at most the previous month.

  2. With the category endpoint, NY Times seems to be the provider for many of the articles. Is there a way to have a variety of sources, instead? I get Dailymail, Yahoo, and BBC from time to time, but the vast majority are ftom the NY Times.


Rapid account: Uchihahamada
uchihahamada Commented לפני שנה

Hello lojicjay,

A new update is released today

1- We added 3 new Endpoints
2- A new source is added South China Morning Post and we are working on more sources

you can check the API Documentation from this PDF


Rapid account: Uchihahamada
uchihahamada Commented לפני שנה

Hello lojicjay,

1- This only happenes in some categories which has small number of sources so the updating will happen slower than the other categories

This category endpoint reposnds with the last 50 articles of the category

2- NY is one of the most sources we get content from it , but in each category there are many sources .

so you can modify or customize the response in your app or website before publishing it to have your required data.

*** On the next update you will be able to get articles by refrence of sources generally and under the categories too.
*** New Sources will be added too.


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