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Book Finder
Find books by title, author, series, and reading complexity. Try the demo: [](
By dfskGT
Updated 3 weeks ago
Wiki Briefs
Briefs about anything you search. No need to read lengthy articles, we summarize.
By dfskGT
Updated 3 weeks ago
Arxiv JSON
A convenient API to search Arxiv papers, code, influential citations and references.
By dfskGT
Updated 3 weeks ago
Semantic Quotes
Semantic search for quotes. Wondering which celebrities have said something similar? Look no more, this API gives you the power to search for quotes semantically from over 1M+ quotes. The Artificial Intelligence (NLP) engine behind the scene seeks to understand the meaning of your query rather than simply matching keywords. We allows user to flexibly filter the results by the length of the quote, and/or by a large variety of tags.
By dfskGT
Updated 3 weeks ago
Car Utils
FREE resources for checking VIN, getting the market value of your car, estimating the cost of ownership in US, checking fuel economy, and more to come.
By dfskGT
Updated 3 weeks ago
Location and Time
A collection of location and time utilities. You can search for country/city information worldwide, find out distance between two locations/cities, get location data from IP address, solve any time questions regarding different timezones, get sunrise/sunset times at any location, get holiday information worldwide, and much more!
By dfskGT
Updated 3 weeks ago
Low Carb Recipes
Highly flexible search over thousands of low-carb/keto recipes with rich nutrients information.
By dfskGT
Updated 3 weeks ago