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Not an Issue but an Inquiry

Rapid account: Cos 71 N
hace 7 años


I’m new here. I just want to ask if you have a more detailed documentation as to what is being returned by your API and what data it represents? For example :

In getting New Release Per Country, you get the following result :
“The Castaway Cowboy”,”,
“While spearfishing off the beach of Kauai, 12-year-old Booton MacAvoy finds a shanghaied Texas cowpoke floating half-submerged in the churning sea.<br><b>Expires on 2015-12-21 </b>”,
"<br><div class=small>Runtime:<b>1h31m</b></div>"

Do you have the information that I can check side by side with the result from the API? Something like :


So I can map the data properly to my existing data?


Rapid account: Cos 71 N
cos71n Commented hace 7 años

@unogs, thanks for the reply. Will check them out.

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented hace 7 años

closing as this was not an issue

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented hace 7 años

yes it was… (which isn’t going anywhere)…

The final associative array endpoint will be aaapi.cgi as I am no longer going to rename the current endpoint.

Rapid account: Samuelmanso
samuelmanso Commented hace 7 años

@unogs, wasn’t it “” instead of “api.cgi” in the original announcement?

That’s how I remember making the switch to associative arrays…
Should it be changed to “aaapi.cgi” now?

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented hace 7 años

It is still a feature we are working on but you can get the API to return associative arrays if you use aaapi.cgi instead of api.cgi.
here is the announcement

Let me know if you need further clarification on this.

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