By Admin | Updated 14 days ago | Entertainment

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Easy instructions for implementing in Wordpress?

Rapid account: Fromabroad
5 years ago

I would love to use this API, but I am not much of a programmer. I understand the principles about communicating with the API, but I do not know how it is done in practice. Is there anyone who can help out, give advice, or point in the right direction for how I can implement this in Wordpress. I am first of all interested in listing new movies in countries, and maybe using the advanced search option!

Thanks a lot!

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 5 years ago

closing as this was just a request

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 5 years ago

what you really need, is for us to write a wordpress plugin but at the moment this would be at the bottom of a very long list.

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