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Robohash Image Generator
Generate a cool looking robot image for any text using this new api.
By blaazetech
Updated 3 weeks ago
Mouth Talking app
It’s simply amazing what we can now do with our smart phones. App developers are constantly at work to make our mobile phones our best friends, you just don’t have to sit down and chat all day or call people or surf the internet all day. You can also get yourself to laugh and make under benefit from your jokes also by using very simple apps specifically created to make a happy moment for you
By cycoshas
Updated 3 weeks ago
Reverse Geocoding and Geolocation Service
Find nearest or largest city information or timezone for any given point location (latitude/longitude). The reverse geocode API back "reverse" codes any GPS location point into nearest or largest readable places with county, city, distance and population. Provides distance information between two locations. Provides additional "Is-On-Water" check for any location.
By Lars von Thienen
Updated 3 weeks ago
Opencage geocoder
Worldwide forward and reverse address geocoding. Uses multiple geocoders, based on open data.
By support
Updated 3 weeks ago