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E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain
Easily check if a certain e-mail address is valid. Is it a valid domain? Is the e-mail a temporary/disposable e-mail? That's a common indicator of spamming/trolling, so now there's an API for you so you can easily block it!
By Top-Rated
Updated 3 weeks ago
Byteplant Email Address Online Verification
Keep your email list clean and focus on real people - real-time email address validation is easy to implement and has a lot of benefits for your business. The best way to capture good leads is to verify contact information right at the point of entry. Integrate our online email address verification API directly into your sign-up forms or web apps and allow your website visitors to fix errors in their email addresses instantly - only valid, usable email addresses will be accepted. Reject throwaway, disposable email addresses and stay in touch with your users. Avoid costly list cleaning procedures to protect your online reputation when sending out newsletters and notifications to your users.
By byteplant
Updated 3 weeks ago
Validate email address domains to ensure the domain is registered, active, has MX records. Detects if a domain is used by a Disposable Email Address or monetized bounce service.
By joncombe
Updated 3 weeks ago